NORFOLK Website : News
Norfolk DTL Report
Norfolk Down The Line Team Report
If your new to DTL the scores are out of 100 and then the points scored after are a total score made up from 3 points for a first barrel and 2 points for a second barrel kill. You get 0 points for a miss so 100/300 is the maximum score per person.
The Norfolk DTL team travelled over to Nottingham & District Gun Club for the East Midlands Inter County Finals where 6 out of the 8 East Midlands counties fielded teams to try to win this Inter County Final.
The Norfolk senior team was made up of the following shooters:
DJ. Reynolds 99/293
J. Matthewson 97/287
J. Dodd 96/285
A. Smith 85/251
P. Freeman 97/284
P. Owen 98/291
K. Hoolhouse 99/290
The Norfolk senior team managed to get a team total of 1730 which is made up of the top 6 scores out of a maximum of 8 shooters representing there county. The winning senior team was Nottingham with an excellent team total of 1761 which was 11 points clear of the runner up team of Suffolk.
The Norfolk veterans team was made up of the following shooters:
M. Eales 85/237
D. Powley 91/267
R. Daws 93/271
J. Law 92/263
The team total for the veterans team was 538 with the top 2 scores counting out of a maximum of 4 in the team. The winning veterans team was Lincolnshire with an unbeatable score of 592 with only 1 whole clay escaping from there top 2 scoring veterans for there amazing team total.
I would like to thank all the Norfolk shooters for attending this inter county final. It is great to see so many dedicated shooters willing to travel and do there very best for there county. A big thank you must also go to Ray Daws the DTL team manager for all his time piecing together a team willing to go.