NORFOLK Website : News
Black Tie Evening and Race Night
Black Tie Event
We have been talking about this idea for a little while at our committee meetings and thanks to Steve we can provide you with the following information. We have booked the 1st October 2015 at the Wensum Valley Golf & Country Club for the black tie event. This will cost £35 per head which will include a welcome drink, 3 course meal with music and entertainment.
We are looking to provide tables for 6 – 10. We feel this is a good idea for bringing the shooting community together as we tend to just turn up to a shoot and just say "hi" every so often to each other. This will be a good night to look back on the shooting year and have a good social evening. If you would like any further information then please contact get in contact with Steve Bennington on 01603 860436 or steve@norfolkshooting.co.uk
Race Night
We will be holding a race night on the 9th December at 7.30 pm at Mid Norfolk SS. This will consist of the race night event and a fish and chip supper like previous years. This will cost £10 per person which includes the fish and chip supper. This has always been a well supported event over the years. If you would like any further information then please contact Steve Bennington on 01603 860436 or steve@norfolkshooting.co.uk
We would also like to welcome any raffle prizes anyone would like to donate to help raise funds that will go towards helping the juniors who represent our county at the Inter County Championships we participate in.