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CPSA Rule Changes from 1st March

CPSA General and Technical Rules Addendum – 1st March 2017 


The CPSA Board of Directors have approved the following rule changes since the publication of Booklet Number 1 dated 12th August 2015. Please ensure this addendum notification is taken into account when referring to the CPSA General and Technical rules



Rule 1.1a (page 3) 
Registered shoots must be notified in advance to the CPSA within the time limit required to achieve their inclusion in the Association’s list of registered events that appears in the official fixtures section of Pull! magazine or have been detailed in the fixtures section of the CPSA website prior to the date of the event. Regional or County championships or England selection shoots, which by default must be registered events must be notified to the CPSA within the time limit required to achieve their inclusion in the Association’s list of registered events that appears in the official fixtures section of Pull! magazine or have been detailed in the fixtures section of the CPSA website for a minimum of seven days prior to the date of the event.
Entry Fees & Prizes Rule
1.4 (page 4)
At all registered events organisers must, prior to the commencement of the event, display the following information: a) The ‘Prize’ entry fee which must include the full amount to be paid back in prizes. b) The ‘“Targets-Only”’ entry fee which must exclude the prize money stated above. c) The amount to be returned to ‘Prize’ entrants only, which must be the exact difference between a) and b) above and... d) The amount of ‘Specified Sponsored Cash’, if any, to be paid to any winner. The same entry fee (whether ‘prize’ or targets-only) must apply to all participants at all registered events. Any levies applied by official County or Regional Committees must be charged to all entrants.

Categories – Home International Matches – Junior:

 Rule 1.9 (g) 
Junior: Members wishing to compete in the junior category must be under the age of 21 on the 1st of January in the year of competition. Please refer to the individual England Team Selection Forms for competitions held in Ireland and Northern Ireland as lower age restrictions may apply.

Tie Breakers for All Round 

Rule 1.10 (page 6) 
For an All Round competition, the four disciplines (see rule 27) will be drawn at random by the Jury prior to the start of the competition solely as a record for CountBack if required. The first of those disciplines drawn will be used for a shoot-off and the appropriate discipline shoot-off procedure then applied. For All Round the Count-Back process will follow the order of the four disciplines drawn at random as above by the jury at the start of the competition. 
Two Registered DTL or ESK Shoots on the same day.
Rule 1.14q (page 9)
Two registered DTL or ESK shoots can be held on the same day using the same layouts. The second shoot cannot be used for Regional Championships or County championships. Each shoot will be run as a separate event and fixture, and will have its own set of scores and winners etc. Both scores to count towards classification, but a shooter can only use one score (the first score shot) to count towards England Team selection.
England Team Selection Procedures
Rule 8.1 (page 26) – Amended selection process (DTL)
Applicants wishing to be considered for selection must, in the first instance, submit on the forms available from Head Office, or downloadable from the CPSA website, their best four scores ex 100 registered targets, from a minimum of any three grounds, obtained on any weekend or Bank Holiday or Major Championship from the period between 1 st August of the previous year and 30th April of the year of the event. The top 100 Seniors, 20 Ladies, 20 Juniors (under 21 on the 1st of January in the year of competition), 20 Veterans (over 55 on the 1st of January in the year) and 20 Super Veterans (over 65 on the 1st of January in the year) plus ties, will then be offered a place at the two 200 target selection shoots at venues and dates to be arranged. The score from the two 200-target shoots will be totalled to give a score ex 400 targets. The top 20 Seniors, 5 Ladies, 5 Juniors, 5 Veterans and 5 Super Veterans will then be invited to represent England at the Home International that Page 3 year. It should be noted that members who shoot under the Colts category may be chosen for the Juniors’ team - this applies to Home International team matches only under the jurisdiction of the ICTSC.
Team Ties
Rule 18.34 / 22.58 / 24.27 / 26.41 Team Ties
If two or more teams obtain the same score, the captain of each team shall nominate the following to take part in the tie-break: - Senior Team - Three members. Ladies, Junior or Veteran Teams - One member. The team captain may be included in the appropriate team. All nominated team members must be present at the start of the tie-break. Incomplete teams will be disqualified. 
Rule 21.1 (page 38) – Correction to cross references.
 The datum point is referred to in Paras 18.24 and 18.25
Technical Rules for ESK
Rule 22.8 (page 39) – Loading of Cartridges (ESK)
During the shooting of singles it is compulsory to load two cartridges, except when repeating the second single (option or other valid reason), when only one cartridge should be loaded
Rule 22.10 (page 40) – Viewing targets (ESK)
At the beginning of each round when the squad is assembled at station 1, they shall be entitled to observe one regular target from each trap house in the sequence requested by the first shooter in the squad. A competitor may also ask to have one regular target thrown after two concurrent irregular targets or trap breakdown.
ABT Target Distances, Angles and Elevations.
Rule 26.6 (page 53).
The trap shall be adjusted so that, in calm weather whenever possible, and with a throwing elevation of 2m (2.18yd) at 10m (10.93yd) forward of the pit, a regular target will carry 70m (76.55yd) (+ or – 1m (1.09yd)) if measured over level ground.
Page 4 Rule 26.8 (page 53).
The targets shall be thrown within an area bounded by angles of 30.0° (+/- 2.5°) right and left of the imaginary centre-line drawn through the centre of the trap house and station 3. The horizontal angles will be measured from the front edge of the trap house.
Layout Diagram (page 60).
‘L’ = 30.0° (+/- 2.5°) ‘AB’ = 70.0m +/- 1m
Technical Rules for All Round
Rule 27.1 (page 57)
All Round, last paragraph There must be a maximum of 5 shooters in a squad. Each Shooter must start in the same position for each round (e.g. if in position one for Single Barrel DTL then the shooter will commence on position one on ABT, English Skeet and English Sporting)