NORFOLK Website : News

March Pull! Report 2018

Hello to all the Norfolk shooters out there. It only feels like a week or so since the last article. It has been very quiet on the home front shooting-wise. Christmas and poor weather appears to have kept a lot of shooters at home. As a keen supporter of young shots, I would like to include a young shots section for Norfolk young shooters. If you know a Norfolk young shot, please send me a brief report and photos of them competing and I will include them in these reports. The winter has been quiet in Norfolk with only a few venturing out and about. However, a few of the Juniors have been active despite the cold weather. Elise Dixon travelled to Nuthampstead to take part in a 50 target re-entry Olympic Trap competition only days after Christmas to be met with several inches of snow. This meant a quick cup of tea and back on the road to Norfolk. Elise then travelled the three hours and 45 minutes to compete at Beverley Clay Target Centre in their winter Universal Trench series. She finished with a 67 ex 100, even though temperatures were close to 0°C, if not colder. Despite the cold, there was an excellent turn-out of shooters young and old doing everything they could to stop their teeth chattering as they took each shot. It was a good practice competition for Elise ahead of her first international Olympic Trap competition – Norfolk is proud to say that she came home with a bronze medal. William Gilbert has been making the most of the winter, preparing for the new season and practising a variety of disciplines at the local grounds. We look forward to reporting how he progresses through the CPSA ranks this year. If there are any Norfolk shooters who have been competing in CPSA-registered shoots, please send your photographs and stories to me. I would like to welcome a new Norfolk Junior shooter to the fold: William Nicholas. At 11 years old, he has just entered his first CPSA-registered event at the Priory CTC’s DTL winter series. William shot a very respectable 41/118 using a 20-bore in bright but very windy conditions. Well done William. I look forward to shooting with you again. Keith Barter