NORFOLK Website : News
November & December Pull! Report - 2021
1-5 Sep: British Open English Sporting, E.J. Churchill at the Swinton Estate Thaleia Jennings, Sam Green, and Stephen Amies competed in the British Open English Sporting Super Final. Thaleia won the Ladies Colt High Gun, Sam was AAA Class Runnerup after a shoot-off, and Stephen placed third in A Class. Our congratulations to them and to all the other Norfolk finalists.
5 Sep: East Midlands Region DTL Championship, Nottingham & DGC Congratulations to the Norfolk Senior DTL Team of Niall Crumpler, Richard Gilbert, Jason Matthewson, Simon Owen, John Reynolds, Richard Sutterby, and David Taylor who were Runners-up to Cambridgeshire.
10-11 Sep: ABT Home International Congratulations to England Junior William Gilbert on a stunning performance. Not only did the England team win all team and category prizes, but William won the Junior High Gun trophy with a score of 188ex200. He also placed Joint 12th and second in B Class.
12 Sep: ABT British Open Championship Congratulations once again to William Gilbert who scored an excellent 95ex100, was Junior Runner-up, placed 11th Overall and second in B Class. Robert Flowers was also a last-minute entrant and shot an excellent 94ex100. After a shoot-off Robert placed third in Super Veterans.
12 Sep: ESP Home International Congratulations to Veteran Ian Hallwood and Seniors Mark Goddard and Karl Hagan, who made the long trip to Scotland to compete for England. The England team were Runners-up in the Super Veterans, won all the other team categories, and were Overall Team winners.
12 Sep: Diss Area Sporting Clay Shooters Trophy Shoot, Highwaymans SG Sam Green won Overall High Gun, scoring an excellent 96ex100. Runner-up was Dean Cann and Dave Gooding placed Joint third. Our congratulations to them and thank you to everyone who helped raise nearly £4,200 for St Nicholas Hospice Care in Bury St Edmunds.
25-26 Sep: National Inter-Counties ESP Championship, Highwaymans SG Congratulations to the Norfolk ESP Senior A Team who were crowned this years National Inter-Counties Champions, proving that we have some of the best Sporting shooters in the country. The team members were Richard Bunning, Sam Green, Dave Gooding, Mark Goddard, John Newman, and James Pile. Some tough but fair targets made for a very competitive event, attended by 266 competitors. With their team score of 447, made up of the best five scores, they beat nearest rivals Hertfordshire to win by 13 points. Thank you to new Sporting Team Manager Jonathan Balls and to all the team members who competed for Norfolk.
25-26 Sep: National Inter-Counties DTL Championship, Nottingham & DGC Some of the Norfolk Trap shooters travelled to Nottingham & DGC to compete in this event. Whilst they don’t claim to be dedicated DTL shooters, they were persuaded by Simon Owen to return to the ground after their success at the Regional Inter-Counties Championship earlier this month. The sun shone, but the wind made some of the layouts quite challenging. The Open Team of Robert Flowers, Richard and William Gilbert, Jason Matthewson, Simon Owen, and Richard Sutterby finished a respectable fifth place, beating arch-rivals Cambridgeshire who finished in eighth place.