NORFOLK Website : News
Norfolk Skeet Team 2023
Norfolk Clay Pigeon Shooting Association Skeet Teams 2023
Good luck to everyone and best of luck at the East Midlands Inter Counties at Eriswell Lodge on the 1st and 2nd July
Senior Team
Archy Stannard
Peter Dodd
Thomas Lawrence
Tony Johnson
John Hall
Paul Freeman
John Glover
Kyle Woodhall-Cross
Veteran Team
Paul Owen
David Pointer
Roger Fletcher
John Dyson
Ladies Team
Alison Coupe
Kate Benstead
Heather Pointer
Just encase anyone has forgot their squad times please see the below:
Saturday 1st July 9.40
P. Dodd
D. Pointer
H. Pointer
P. Freeman
J. Glover
Saturday 1st July 10.20
A. Stannard
J. Dyson
Sunday 2nd July 12.20
T. Johnson
K. Woodhall-Cross
Sunday 2nd July 13.50
P. Owen
T. Lawrence
K. Benstead
J. Hall
Sunday 2nd July 14.30
A. Coupe
R. Fletcher