North Website : News
North of England Regional ABT Championship
North of England Regional ABT Championship at Beverley CTC on 28/11/10 (by Ian Ainsley)
Year three of this event saw only a few competitors attend as due to the terrible weather (sleet, snow,blizzards,-3 temperatures etc etc) only those die hards Yorkshire competed, entering an A & B team.
The winning team members being the Yorkshire A team consisting of Chris Tate, John Randerson and Ian Ainsley beat the yorkshire B team by 37 targets. One of the 'B' team members had to have his boot laces and belt removed for his own safety as despite using every lens combination in his shooting glasses and borrowing everyones gun on the shooting ground he scored a 16 and a 12 on the first and third lines. Advise from more seasoned members of his team did not console him, but such is the stamina of Yorkshire folk he is sure he will rise again.
Many thanks to all those who made the great effort to shoot and the Northern region will make a serious attempt to ensure it is warm and sunny next year so Lancashire can attend.