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North of England 2013 DTL Round Up
North of England DTL Round Up 2013.
It doesn’t seem like 5 minutes since most (or should I say the brave) DTL shooters were heading to Coniston for the opening DTL Selection Shoot. Conditions could not have been much worse, drifting snow on the surrounding roads and a wind that was coming from the Arctic. The first of five selection shoots was underway.
Attendance at the 5 shoots was steady but it has been disappointing to report that unfortunately we had no junior team to submit into the Inter-Regional Competition at the English Open.
Much to everyone’s pleasure Bywell came up trumps in terms of an excellent shoot, fantastic weather and that our Senior, Veteran’s and Ladies Regional Teams came out on top in the Inter Regional event.
The English Open is also the final DTL Selection Shoot and a mention must go to our Regional New Caps: Martin Clark, Paul Turner, Ian Patterson, Michael Hartley, Tom Robinson and Russ Holden.
The season so far has seen some exceptional shooting from our Regional members, there is not enough space to mention everyone but I would like to say a massive “Well Done” to you all and almost half of the England DTL 2013 Team came from the North.
By the time this report reaches you our Northern shooters will have competed in the European Championships in France.... Good luck to you all.
A final mention and thanks must go to Geoff Crossland who has worked tirelessly to create a spreadsheet which makes sorting the North of England selection shoot scores a breeze. This makes sure that copies of scores are available at following Selection Shoots for all to view. It is often said by many of our shooters that they think it is as difficult to make the Regional team as it is to make the England team.
The final standings for the selection process can be viewed here:
For the rest of the season...Good shooting to you all.
Debbie Bellamy