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North Region Veterans ABT Success!
North Regional ABT Veterans Team Success (by Ian Ainsley)
The English Open ABT Championship recently held at NCSC saw this regions veterans dominate the team event giving the East Midlands veterans team a damned good thrashing in the process with a winning margin of some 16 targets. The Team Captain Mr J A Broardbent set the standard for others to follow on day one with a magnificent 94 his fellow team members Mr J Randerson and Mr G D Beal in hot pursuit. The second day saw our veterans team forge ahead maintaining the insurmountable lead.
Mr Broardbent Finished on 183x200 as did Mr Randerson with Mr Beal a very respectable 177.
A shoot off then took place to decide second and third veterans in the individual class which Mr Broardbent eventually won after a 50 target shoot off.
Special Mention must also go to Mr Ian Woodhead from Lancashire a very experienced and much admired shooter from the North of England who shot an excellent 192x200 to win the event outright and was deservedly awarded the winners position.
Mr Fellows, CEO of the CPSA gave the event the true accreditation it deserves by presenting the prizes personally to much applause.