North Website : News
2014 AGM & Discipline Manager Reports
The 2014 AGM was held on the 27th November 2014
Many thanks for the 60 plus people attending on the evening. A copy of the discipline manager’s reports, followed by some pictures from the evening.
Manager Reports
Skeet - 2014 Skeet
English Sporting - 2014 English Sporting
DTL - 2014 DTL
ABT - Awaiting copy in electronic format.
FITASC - Not submitted at this point
Achievement Awards
A small selection of photos from the night, missing from the pictures are Brett Winstanley winner of the British Open Sporting, Graham Stirzaker winner of the English Open Sportrap and Owen Vinning winner of the English open DTL Colt, who were unable to collect there awards.
Allan Henry - European DTL Veteran
P Chaplow with Bill Hart, presenting an award in recognition of his 100x 300/100 on behalf of the North Region Committee.
Geoff Crossland English Open DTL Veteran
Holly Pennington - Team Trophy for British Open Skeet
James Tate - Dougall Memorial Colt
Mark Holmes - British and English Open Skeet
Paul Chaplow English Open and European DTL
Phil Rowbottom - British Open Sport Grandparent
Tim Webster receiving his Chairman's award
Phil Thompson with Paul Chaplow, with a copy of Pauls very first 300/100