North Website : News
The selection procedure for the North Region Sporting Team at the British Open
"The selection procedure for the North Region Sporting Team at the British Open at Garlands 2-6th September 2015 is the same as in previous years. There will be 5 selection shoots (dates to follow) with the best 3 scores used to calculate the points accumulated* The NR Team will consist of 10 Seniors, and 3 each of Lady, Veteran and Junior categories, with reserves identified in each category. Full definitions of categories can be found in the CPSA Rules & Regulations Handbook 5.
Successful Team members (excluding reserves, unless used) shooting the event will receive a cloth badge and a monetary contribution equal to Targets Only entry fee.
Selection Shoots:
Bywell SG - 3rd May, Park Lodge SS - 20th &21st June (either day - also England Team selection shoot), Oak Lodge SG - 5th July, Spennymoor CPC - 19th July and Blackpool Sporting Clays -16th August.
The selection shoots will also be used in the first instance to select the relevant County Teams for the National Inter-Counties Sporting at Doveridge 3rd & 4th October - further details to follow.
* Points are calculated from the score of the North Region's highest shooter per event. The high scorer will receive 0 points, then 1 point per clay from this score. E.g. NR high score 95 (0 points), score of 92 - 3 points, 85 - 10 points etc. The lowest combined number of points from any 3 selection shoots will be used to select the team members in each category.
Any successful Team members will be notified before the event. Good luck and good shooting!
Terry Deakin, Sporting Team Manager"