North Website : News
North Regional Inter-Counties Team Sporting 2015
An Inter-Counties ESP shoot involving the 6 Counties in the North Region has been tried in various formats over the years, some with greater success than others.
The latest version was held at Oak Lodge SG, Hartlepool on Sunday the 6th December, involving 100 targets over 12 stands. Incidentally, this was the first time in many years that a Registered Sporting shoot has been held in the North Region any later than October, likely inclement weather usually being cited as a reason not to go beyond the clocks going back. True, a number of entrants from Cumbria were unable to attend due to Storm Desmond, but the weather at Oak Lodge was nigh on perfect. There was a gentle breeze, sunshine and mild temperatures - ideal conditions.
The plan was for teams to comprise 5 pre-nominated shooters, but also ad-hoc teams could be formed on the day - the only stipulation being that the team members had to be CPSA Members from the same County and obviously nominated before shooting started. The best 4 scores from these 5 would make up the total team score, and a small ‘levy’ of £1 per head was charged, the ‘pot’ going to the winning team, along with a nicely engraved crystal plaque for each of the 5 team members.
Some handy teams were submitted, not least the ‘Yorkshire Puds’, who with the likes of Linda Grayson and Jordan Gray were going to form quite a formidable challenge to the rest of the field. Early leaders were ‘Team Haphazard’, under the stewardship of Gugsy Ahmed - and including Paul Foster (who finished as High Gun on the day with 93), currently in top form and leading the UK Rankings at Sportrap. Later arrivals included Team Victory, who were only able to find 4 members, so had no margin for error and all had to perform, but with the likes of Tim Webster and Glen Hunt forming the backbone of the team, they appeared pretty relaxed about the job in hand. So it proved, with the ‘Puds’ and ‘Victory’ tying with team totals of 347 points (an astonishing average of 86+ per person!).
Shoot-off time. The respective Captains selected 2 shooters each, and a shoot-off stand was quickly erected by ground-owner Andy Calvert - 4 report pairs of blaze slightly quartering/rising away with a long fast right to left crosser. Those who worked it out soon determined that the blaze was the bird to take first - quite sharpish, leaving time to build in the ‘lead’ for the crosser. Tim Webster was first up and cool as ice straightened it. Glen dropped a crosser, giving a total of 15 ex 16, which Jordan and ‘Big Dave’ Naylor could not match - victory going to Team Victory!
The format met with positive comments from the considerable crowd who had stayed behind for the prize giving, and these will be taken back to the Committee with a view to making this event a regular fixture in the North’s calendar.
Final entertainment was provided by Richard Blacker (Team Victory) who thrilled the audience with his juggling skills - not. That 5th plaque came in real handy! Terry Deakin.