North Website : News
NoE England ESP selection shoot.
"The NR Committee have seen comments regarding the date change of the North Region England Sporting Team selection shoot at Oak Lodge. The original date - suggested by CPSA Head Office - was May 21st & 22nd, and was shown on the CPSA draft calendar. Early in the New Year, the BICTSF shoot dates became widely known. The May dates were a direct clash with the British Grand Prix and GB Team selection shoot (Fitasc Sporting). BICTSF were aware of the date of the NR England selection shoot prior to selecting their dates.
To avoid the clash, which would potentially affect entries at each event, Oak Lodge agreed to change dates and hold the England selection shoot on the 18th & 19th June. It was recognised that the change would clash with the EO and BO All Round at Northampton and one day of a Premier League shoot at Barrow Heath. The issue was put before a Regional Meeting on the 21st January, when the decision to go ahead with the date change was unanimously ratified, as being the best of two wholly unsuitable scenarios. CPSA Head Office were notified the following day, with the draft calendar being subsequently updated.
It should be particularly noted that the decision to change the date of the England Team selection shoot was made by the North Region Committee, and not by CPSA Head Office.
Any regular shooter will know that every weekend there are now more and more shooting events, of which only a proportion are CPSA registered. A large number are commercial business events, and 16 weekends between March and September are also taken up with (B)ICTSF events and the CPSA has to directly compete with these.
The North Region also holds five ESP selection shoots, from which the Regional Team is selected to represent the Region at the British Open Sporting. There only a limited number of weekends to hold all these competitions, so something has to give.
Some shooters may have to forego attending one event, in order to attend another. This is not a new situation, but it unfortunately means that there will always be someone who does not agree with the decisions, even though they were made in good faith."