North Website : News
3rd Selection shoot report
Update from the third North of England DTL Selection Shoot. We had a dull, very slightly breezy day and another good turn out, having a total of 62 shooters. The shoot has had alot of great scores and we had 22 shooters that shot 290+. A very big congratulations to Paul Chaplow that took High Gun with another perfect 100 x 300!! Following him was Joe Booth, Mark Shaw & Paul Turner all finishing with 297. Then Stuart Kitchen, Ted Philipson & Martin Jeminson with their 296's. Owen Vining is still 1st for Junior's with his 287 from today and Andrea Swatts was Ladies winner today with a 293. We would like to say thank you to Ian Patterson and everyone at Beverley for the smooth running of the shoot and making everyone feel welcomed, also to everyone that shot today’s selection. Hopefully we will have another great day at the fourth selection shoot @ Penrith and District Gun Club on 8th May.