North Website : News
Noe inter-counties 23rd Oct - Blackpool
The North Region will be holding a NoE Regional inter-counties sporting comp at Blackpool clay shooting club on the 23rd of Oct 2016 (10am till 2pm last entry) This is also the Lanc's County Championship.
A team is to comprise of 5 pre-nominated shooters, but also ad-hoc teams could be formed on the day - the only stipulation being that the team members had to be CPSA Members from the same County and obviously nominated before shooting started. The best 4 scores from these 5 would make up the total team score, and a small ‘levy’ of £1 per team member going towards, a ‘pot’ for the winning team, along with a nicely engraved crystal plaque for each of the 5 team members.
The team can be submitted to the staff at Blackpool on the day, before they shoot, you do not all have to shoot together.
Hope to see you there.