North Website : News
Reports from Penrith

Sunday 9th October 2016
A well attended shoot, with Tom Robinson clearly a winner on 100/299. Obviously just “winged” one of those clays. He picked up HG and the Lloyds/TSB Cup, another shiny one to add to his collection. There were a lot of high scores from “the boys” on the day, a lot in the 290’s. Chris Hanson, Charlie Rautenberg, Dave Bell, Bob Singleton, S Forrest, N Scott, Dudley Coward, Tony Common, Les Elwell. The years may be flitting by, but you have got to admit they are looking “pretty dam good”.
Sunday 23rd October 2016
Dave Bell was the star of the show today winning HG with 100/295 and the Dockray Cup. The closest to him was Tom Robinson on 99/291. Bob Singleton and Dudley Coward followed with 287, all chasing that elusive 300, so near but so far.
Sunday 13th November 2016
You know that old chestnut, “when you are waiting for a bus, two come along” well they came to Penrith. With a high attendance on the day we had two perfect scores from Alan Paige and Tom Robinson 100/300, followed by a shoot off for HG and the Remembrance Day Shield. Tom Robinson was the final winner on the day, but they were both winners to us. Just shows you, braving the cold weather pays dividends. Well done guys, exciting stuff.
Sunday 27th November 2016
These perfect scores keep coming and Michael Turner scored 100/300 and was HG on the day. He picked up the Steven Anderton trophy which he obviously wants to keep in the family as he won it last year. Well done Michael. The Penrith family came together to have their photos taken with him showing their support and good sportsmanship. Special mention to 15 year old D Taylor who scored 85/243. We look forward to seeing him pick up trophies in the future. Also a special mention to an old favourite, Bob Bolt who travels with his wife to Penrith and just keeps on going and keeps us going with his winning sense of humour. Rock on Bob.
Lesley Macbeth