North Website : News
DTL Managers report 2016
DTL discipline managers report.
I would like to start off with congratulating the North region on how well you have shot over 2016.
The first major DTL event of the year was the Kreighoff classic our very own Paul Chplow won this even with 200/599.
We had a good turnout for all 6 of the North’s region selection shoots. Which was well supported and strongly contested giving the North some very strong teams
In the region competition held at bywell during the English Open all the teams shot marvellously winning all but 1 catergory.
On 11th June at Bywell shooting ground the Doughall Memorial shoot took place. Once again the North got represented with some of the best shooters. Ian Mullary and Austin Coxhead both shooting the prefect scores 100/300. After a tense shoot off Ian came runner up and Austin came 3rd. In the Ladies category I myself won, for the third time with Lucy Hall coming a close third. Lucy also took the Colt High Gun and C Class category after a shoot off. Another mention should go to Jeff Cole winning B class event and Owen Vining coming 2nd in the juniors. Well done to all. (NvS)
On the following day the English Open took place. Ian Mullarky and Micheal Turner shot the prefect score 100/300. After a shoot off Micheal come out victorious retaining his English Open Champion title for a second time. Which is a great achievement after such strong competition. Another fine display from Owen Vining coming 2nd in Juniors category and Andera Swatts who went into a shoot off finishing runner up and myself finishing 3rd place in the Ladies Category. The North of England was well represented in the England teams representing there country in the Home International and British Open held at BanBridge Northern Ireland In July.
In the Home International Ian Mullarky come out on the top spot. Well done to him.
Turning to the British Open the following day Paul Chaplow won high gun with another 100/300, he designated this win to Bill Logan Junior who passed away earlier this year. A special mention is needed here on Paul’s achievements for his magnificent accumulation of his prefect scores of 100/300. Andera Swatts came runner up in the Ladies Category after a very close shoot off with an Oz lady.
Moving on to the European Championship well done to Nick Adams coming runner up with 200/599.
Following this shoot was the World Championships, with northern shooters making a good account of themselves. Rob Hall achieved 2nd place in AA class followed by Ian Mullarky 3rd. In the veterans category Mike Hartley won a very creditable second place and myself winning the bronze medal in the ladies category.
On 2nd October the national inter counties competition was held at bywell. The Northern counties won all categories bar 1. Which is an excellent achievement by the Northern Counties Teams.
So in all the North region has once again had a very good year in Down The Line. I hope this will continue and wish you all good shooting in 2017.