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News from Penrith.
Sunday 13th August 2017, Penrith Gun Club - 100 DTL Reg
We were delighted to have a busy shoot and ended with joint winners, Tom Robinson and Steve Allan on 99/296 for both shooters. Ian Douglas shot 99/294 followed by Garry Sayles and Stephen Pape on 98/293 and Tom Smith on 98/292.
Ronnie Chapman, Mervyn Turkington, Bob Singleton, Jeff Cole, Grant Turner, Jim Bentham, A Stanger, Deryck Ridley and Jack Douglas all shot well, all in the 280’s and everyone enjoyed the days shoot. Bob Bolt and his wife joined us at the shoot and we always look forward to seeing them.
Lesley Macbeth
Monday 28th August 2017, Penrith Gun Club
100 DTL Reg George Clarke Memorial Trophy
All the elements came together and threw wind, dark clouds, some sunshine and then more wind. Couldn’t have been a more fitting day for the George Clarke Memorial Trophy who was a well-liked and much missed shooter at Penrith. The day is bitter sweet for all those who were fortunate enough to have known him. Always a good reason to take time out for those who have left footprints in your life. We all need those.
The day was packed with fabulous shooting and the trophy was won by David Magill who went B/O and ended the day with 100/297. I cannot describe how delighted David was to win. You can probably tell by the big smile when receiving the trophy – a worthy winner. Les Elwell was second with 100/295, Steve Allan on 99/293 and John Titterington and Tom Robinson followed with 99/292.
As usual there were at least 9 shooters in the 280’s and many others not too far behind.
Two of our shooters came to spend the day with us, Tony Commons and Dudley Coward who have both had various health problems, but we would like to wish them both good health and be back shooting at Penrith.
Lesley Macbeth