North Website : News
2018 Skeet Report
Thanks to all grounds for putting on our Selection shoots Bywell, N of E & Beverley
Hopefully Beverley can get up and running with registered shoots for next year as we are woefully short of grounds in the north for skeet.
A special thanks goes to Steve Smiths Shooting Ground who provided polo shirts for N of E team this year, it’s a shame the ground does not do registered shoots perhaps we need to talk them into it!!!!!!
N of E skeet shooters featured prominently in all shoots around the circuit this year, I have tried to keep people up to date with our successes providing written entries and photos for the Pull Magazine, N of E website and the N of E Facebook page, therefore it is not necessary for me to repeat everything tonight. Worthy of note however, at the English Open Skeet, congratulations go to Steve Leppington who took the high gun in vets and Victor Annand who won the S x S category. At the British Open, the North Region Vets team comprising of Dave Hornby, Robert Jones & Nigel Hirst won.
This is also the first year that Northumberland have fielded an official team at the National Inter-Counties boding well for the future.
Finally you may or may not already be aware that I have stood down as Skeet manager for the N of E, my reasons are my own, however I would like to thank the Chairman and the rest of the committee for their support shown throughout the 2018 season and I wish them and all our north region shooters well for the coming 2019 season.
Liz Shanks