North Website : News
Colt & JNR free entry.
The 2019 ALL ROUND CHAMPIONSHIPS will be held at North of England C.T.C., Tinker Lane, Rufforth on SUNDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER 2019
Every North Region Colt or Junior CPSA Member living in the Region is invited to shoot the above event on a 'targets-only' basis completely FREE OF CHARGE and will be eligible to win category badges and sponsored prizes, but not 'class' or High Gun prize money.
Entrants will be current CPSA Members in their own right (not 'family' members), and resident in the North Region area (a valid CPSA membership card must be produced).
This offer does not apply to any Colt or Junior wishing to shoot the event on a 'competition' basis.
This Championship will be squadded – please contact the ground on 01904 738120 to book a place.
The North Region CPSA Committee.