North Website : News
2019 ABT Managers Report
Well, it has been a fun first year as the ABT Manager, lots to learn and still learning I might add. However, it has been a difficult first year with our NoE selection shoots clashing with changes to the England selection shoots and also finding that the rules around team submission are not followed by other regions which meant that the NoE missed out on winning the Seniors in the English open (it won't happen next year). Even with the team selection changes the English ABT team still won overall winning 5 out of the 6 Categories this was possible with over 41% the England team from the NoE.
There have been some noticeable shooters from our region this year in no particular order they are:
David Lloyd - Runner up ABT Home internationals, Runner Up English Open ABT, British Open Veteran Runner up
Shaun Wood - ABT Eng team
Gordon Branthwaite - ABT Eng team
Chris Tate - ABT Eng team
Rob Bright - ABT Eng team
Martin Jeminson - ABT Eng team
Andrew Dunn - ABT Eng team
Andy Cooper - ABT Eng team, B Class Winner Fauxdegla World's ABT
Adam Holmes - ABT Eng team, B Class winner English Open
Andrew Dunn - Runner up ABT Worlds
And lastly, young Cory Doble who has a fantastic list of results this year to add to his DTL results:
ABT Eng team(2nd year running)
England ABT Junior high gun
British Open ABT colt high gun
Fauxdegla World's ABT Junior high gun
North of England ABT championship overall high gun out of 35 shooters
Apologies if I have missed anyone but congrats to all the regions ABT shooters.
So what's up for next year, the dates below have been booked in already for our NoE ABT selection shoots and the NoE ABT Championships. Next year is already looking better with one of our Premier Grounds(EYCSG) back up and running and I must say I am looking forward to next year, fingers crossed we don't have any clashes!!!
19th April 2020 - Bywell
24th May 2020 - EYCSG
11 October 2020 NoE Championships (alongside the NAT I/C)
Finally a big thank you to to all of the ABT shooters who attend the shoots and to our NoE grounds who run registered shoots for our ABT discipline.