North Website : News
The North of England DTL Team 2021
I would like to thank all the shooters who have come and shot the North Of England Selection over the past few months. Also a massive thank you to the ground that’s have held them. The North of England DTL Team has now been decided and the winner of the overall is Nigel Chapman. Well done Nigel it was very close. The teams are:-
Nigel Chapman
Martin Jeminson
Paul Turner
Paul Chaplow
Bob Singleton
Ian Douglas
Stephen Petch
Tom Robinson
Geoffrey Nutter
Christopher Jones
Allan Henry
Philip Frankland
David Garrett
Emma Holden
Charlotte Kitchen
Caroline Whitehead
Cory Doble
Elle Whitehead
William Taylor
Please make sure you are booked on to the English Open this Sunday 13th June. Myself and Charlotte Kitchen will see you at Bywell. Good luck.
Kind regards
Emma Holden