North Website : News
North of England DTL team – 2022 Selection Shoots
North of England DTL team – 2022 Selection Shoots
The date and venues for 2022 North of England selection shoots are as follows:
13/2 - EYCSG
27/3 - Spenny
10/4 - NOECTC
16/4 (Saturday) - Bywell
1/5 - Penrith
The team will consist of 10 seniors, 3 ladies, 3 veterans and 3 juniors and team members will be selected using their best 3 scores from the above 5 selection shoots.
Dates may be subject to change in line with the Government’s Covid-19 restrictions.
The North of England team will be expected to represent the North region at the English Open DTL at Bywell SG on 12th June 2022. It is the responsibility of each entrant to ensure that they have entered the English Open as team places will not be reserved.
We hope to see as many shooters as possible at the selections. Any queries please see Emma Holden or Charlotte Kitchen.