North Website : News
Chairman's Award 2022
This year the North Region committee awarded the chairman’s trophy to David Dale , he has been involved in clay shooting for over 60 years , He has represented his country 11 times in two disciplines,
10 times for the England dtl team in the 60s and once in the early 70s for English skeet.
He has been a professional ref for English sporting and FITASC sporting since 1975 and gained his GB badge as an international FITASC ref where this took him to USA 4 times, Cyprus 4 times , France , Germany and Portugal to name a few.
Since he started reffing professionally in 1975 to the present year 2022 he has either reffed the English open sporting, British open sporting or both ,which I’m sure you will agree, is some commitment and dedication to our sport.
David has now retired from professional reffing and we wish him well in his retirement.