Congratulations to all our Nottinghamshire shooters who participated, well done everybody,fantastic results and special mention to our Nottinghamshire Juniors who cleared up the prizes - Joe Booth, Junior High Gun, Jack Richards, Runner up, and Freddy Brown 3rd junior.  

Congratulations too to our very own blonde bombshell, Lee Clements for his B class win.



Saturday 9th April 2016 English Open Double Rise Score
High Gun John Lee 95
Runner Up Paul Chaplow* 91 (+49)
3rd Overall Austin Coxhead* 91 (+46)
1st AA Class Paul Chaplow* 91 (+49)
1st A Class Matt Sheldrake* 89 (By default)
1st B Class Lee Clements 88
1st C Class David Waring 86
Ladies High Gun Izzy Thurnell 79
2nd Lady Charlotte Kitchen* 75 (+38)
3rd Lady Kath Bright* 75 (+37)
Junior High Gun Joe Booth* 81 (+44)
2nd Junior Jack Richards* 81 (+40)
3rd Junior Freddy Brown 78
Veteran High Gun Paul Hodges 89
2nd Veteran John Grice 86
3rd Veteran Ted Phillipson* 84 (By default)
Colts High Gun Izzy Thurnell 79
2nd Colt Connor Harris 74
3rd Colt Ryan Sharpe 68
1st AA Cash Prize Paul Chaplow & Austin Coxhead 91
3rd AA Cash Prize Chris Moule & Michael Turner 87
1st A Cash Prize Matt Sheldrake 89
2nd A Cash Prize Paul Ward 86
3rd A Cash Prize Ian Mullarkey 85
1st B Cash Prize John Lee 95
2nd B Cash Prize Lee Clements 88
3rd B Cash Prize Martin Jeminson 84
1st C Cash Prize David Waring 86
2nd C Cash Prize Tom Waring 82
3rd C Cash Prize Jack Richards 81