Sunday 17th July 2016 100 English Skeet including the Nottinghamshire County Championship Score
Nottinghamshire High Gun Tom Tristram 100
Notts Lady High Gun Alice Conway 92
Notts Veteran High Gun Rennie Lowbridge 98
Notts Junior High Gun Alice Conway 92
Notts Colt High Gun Tom Tristram 100
Notts AA Class Pat Dickman 99
Notts A Class Neil Orr* 96 (+24, +4)
Notts B Class Mat Shaw 97
Notts C Class Paul Buckley 98
1st AA Cash Andy Parsons 100
2nd AA Cash Gary Cooke, Pat Dickman & Bob Tucker 99
1st A Cash Chris Bethell & Tom Tristram 100
1st B Cash Rob Denoon & Granville Hodgkinson 93
1st C Cash Paul Buckley 98
2nd C Cash Stephen Gale 93


Sunday 17th July 2016 saw the County Skeet Championship at Nottingham & District Gun Club. It was a bright sunny day with very little breeze and excellent targets that were begging to be hit.

Rennie Lowbridge was the best of the earlier squads with a 98, setting the target for the High Gun and the Veterans trophy. Pat Dickman went one better to score 99 but it was our Colt superstar, Tom Tristram, who was again in fantastic form and our only county shooter to hit all the targets and achieving his second 100 straight. (Fantastic shooting and nerves of steel yet again Tom – well done.)

Mat Shaw shooting on the same squad as Tom was 75 straight but nerves got the better of him and he dropped 3 targets on the last layout – his 97 was enough to take B Class win.

Paul Buckley, much to his own surprise, after dropping 2 on the first layout followed up with a 75 straight to take C Class on a fantastic 98.

In A Class Wes Ball & Neil Orr were equal on 96 – the shoot off to decide the trophy will take place at NDGC on Saturday 23rd July.

The Juniors was a hotly contested trophy – DTL Juniors Jack Richards and Freddy Brown both shot PBs to score 91 and 90 respectively, but they were pipped at the post by Alice Conway shooting her first ever registered competition. Alice scored a 92 to take the junior title as well as the ladies, 4 points clear from Jenny Hilton.

Rennie’s 98 was enough to take the Veteran title, 2 points clear of Ken Rimington,and Pat’s 99 secured him the AA Class win.

A mention must go to two out of county shooters - Chris Bethell of Cheshire and Andy Parsons of Yorkshire who both shot 100 straight at the event too.

Thanks to Carl and the Team for running a great event and for booking some decent weather for a very pleasant change.

Report and pictures courtesy of John Miller


                                          TOM TRISTRAM        ALICE CONWAY          PAUL BUCKLEY

Teams for the Regional Intercounties at Northampton on Sunday 7th August 2016 Nottinghamshire English Skeet County Teams – All Teams are to be confirmed.

Squads and times

Seniors (£20 towards entry to be paid by the County Committee)
Rennie Lowbridge
Mat Shaw
Neil Orr
Wes Ball
Darrel White
Steve Hilton
Rob Denoon
Granville Hodgkinson
(1st Reserve – Tom Clifford)

Ladies (£20 towards entry to be paid by the County Committee)
Jenny Hilton
Tracy Miller
Hayley Denoon
(We do have space for another lady so please contact Ash Parfrement if interested)

Veterans (£20 towards entry to be paid by the County Committee)
John Miller
Roger Ball
Rob Ellis
Paul Shaw
(1st Reserve – John Rowley)

Juniors (Full entry to be paid by the County Committee)
Tom Tristram
Alice Conway
Jack Richards
Freddy Brown

Teams for the National Intercounties at Doveridge on 15th & 16th October (Date TBC once squads are booked – The National I/C are self-funded and not eligible for a contribution from the County Committee)

Senior Teams
Team 1

Rennie Lowbridge
Paul Buckley
Mat Shaw
Neil Orr
Wes Ball
Russ Hufton

Team 2
Darrel White
Steve Hilton
Rob Denoon
Granville Hodgkinson
Tom Clifford
Darren Watkinson

Jenny Hilton
Tracy Miller
Hayley Denoon


John Miller
Roger Ball
Rob Ellis
(1st Reserve – John Rowley)

Tom Tristram
Alice Conway
Jack Richards
(1st Reserve - Freddy Brown)