Thankfully the heavy rain had ceased by the time we started shooting all be it the blustery conditions made for some testing targets. The team results are as follows, the Juniors and Veterans both finished 4th, the Ladies 5th and the Seniors 9th. Well done one and all.
Thanks to you all for making the journey and participating. Also can I thank both Granville and Hannah for standing in at the last moment so to speak.
Report by Ash Parfrement
Full results available at CPSA website

John Miller Vet, Tracy Miller Lady, Roger Ball Vet, Wez Ball Snr
Tom Tristram Junior, Matt Shaw Snr Brad Clay Junior, Tom Clifford Snr
and Hannah Tunnicliffe Lady and Rob Ellis Vet

Alice Conway Junior, Granville Hodgkinson Snr,
Neil Orr Snr, Steve Hilton Snr and Jenny Hilton Lady