SHROPSHIRE Website : Committee

AGM - Election of Officers and Committee

The AGM was held on 2nd February in which the Election of Officers and Committee Members took place as follows.


Chairman - John Stokes - proposed by Gary Edwards and seconded by Tony Aston.

Vice Chairman - Stuart Aston - proposed by Stuart Burgess and seconded by Dave Brick

Treasurer - Mike Cashmore - proposed by Julie Burton, seconded by John Stokes.

Secretary - Gary Edwards - proposed by Stuart Aston, seconded by Bernie Hutchinson.

Regional Representatives - John Stokes, proposed by Neil Meredith and seconded by Stuart Aston. Peter Harris proposed by proposed by Stuart Burgess and seconded by Julie Burton.


Committee - the committee was elected as follows;


John Stokes, Gary Edwards, Stuart Aston, Dave Brick, Paul Edwards, Peter Harris, Stuart Burgess, Julie Burton, Paul Hughes, Mike Cashmore, Craig Bebbington, Bernie Hutchinson, Alan Rowley, Darren Eccleston


Team Managers were appointed as follows


Stu Aston - ESP, Sportrap, Fitasc, & A/R

Paul Edwards - DTL

Dave Brick - Skeet

Craig Bebbington & Bernie Hutchinson - U/T , O/T , D/T , D/R & ABT


Other Appointments 


Trophy Manager - Stuart Aston - proposed by Gary Edwards, seconded by Paul Hughes

Web and Social Media - Paul Hughes proposed by Bernie Hutchinson and seconded by Craig Bebbington