Warwickshire Website : Welcome
Welcome to the Warwickshire CPSA website.If you have any thoughts or suggestions you would like to see included here, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
We aim to bring you up to the minute information on what's going on for Warwickshire shooters. You can find here details of how to contact Warwickshire CPSA Committee members and information on the events and shoots organised for you to enjoy.
We're here to make arrangements for Warwickshire County and West Midlands Inter-Counties championship events (Area & National). To find out when and where they will take place, how to enter and the results, browse this site.
Would you like to shoot for your county? We enter teams into the West Midlands and National Inter-counties events for most disciplines and you could be just the person we're looking for. We need shooters in all categories; seniors, veterans, ladies & juniors. If you are interested we would like to discuss the idea with you... please see our contacts page for details of committee members and team managers any of whom will be pleased to advise you.
Catch up on the latest news and results from registered shoots involving Warwickshire Shooters. Tell us about your successes or news stories and we'll publish them here.
Upcoming Events
WM Area DTL Championship, Sunday 30th March - Holmes Chapel SG
WM Area SKD Championship, Sunday 30th March - Nottingham & DGC
WM Area ESK Championship, Sunday 6th April - Eaton Hall SG
WM Area & I/C OTR Championship, Sunday 6th April - Fauxdegla SG
October 2021
We were delighted to see our Warwickshire CPSA Chairman recognised for his contribution to our sport.
John Nightingale was today awarded a Life Vice Presidency of the CPSA at the association AGM held at Chesford Grange.
Congratulations John, a well deserved recognition of your achievements and efforts.
If you have some news that you would like to see on these pages please contact
Stu Thomas - forstu@btinternet.com