DORSET Website : News

Various Other News Items



Some good news for Dorset Shooters for a change. We wish Graham good luck in the new year.

legal lifeline for Purbeck Shooting School

Graham Brown of the shooting school with pupil Emily Hibbs

Graham Brown of the shooting school with pupil Emily Hibbs

PURBECK Shooting School has been thrown a High Court lifeline by one of the country’s top judges. Mr Justice Dove has agreed the school can mount a legal challenge against a government Planning Inspectorate ruling threatening its closure. Earlier this year a planning inspector backed Purbeck District Council’s decision to uphold an enforcement notice alleging a failure to comply with noise conditions at the Puddletown Road site, near Wareham. School owner Graham Brown, who has vowed to ‘fight until his last breath’ to save his business, is now looking ahead to early next year when the High Court hearing is likely to proceed. Mr Brown’s solicitor, Lionel Fynn of Bournemouth’s Horsey Lightly Fynn law firm, welcomed the judge’s decision, that was made at London’s High Court on Tuesday. He said: “It is a bullseye on the first target to getting the decision overturned.” Mr Fynn explained that this latest High Court ruling had, in effect, allowed the shooting school to proceed with its application to have the inspector’s decision quashed so that a new enquiry can examine the consideration afresh. Purbeck Shooting School argues that after a decade of continuous operation, during which time they were unable to meet the terms of the noise condition that could not be complied with, their activities had become immune from enforcement action, says Mr Fynn. The school claims the inspector failed to consider this submission or give any lawful reason for dismissing it. The district council enforcement notice, that sparked the ongoing legal wrangle, cited gunfire exceeded the 55db level outlined in the school’s licence. Welcoming the latest High Court ruling, Mr Brown said he hopes the outcome will pave the way to preserve the future of his much-needed and highly regarded facility.

Dorset Shooters at Gunsite sporting clays.

Congratulations to Stuart Rudling for the first 100 straight at Gunsite Sporting Clays!

High Gun -S RUDLING 100 ,  Richard King 95.

Dorset shooters travel to Brook Bank in Somerset for some DTL. Ollie Hambly shoots his first 25 straight and Tony "100 straight" Read does it again ??Cracking day in the sun big thanks to Wes and his family. See Gallery.


Graham Brown to battle on.

SACRIFICE: Graham Brown from Purbeck Shooting School

THE owner of the Purbeck Shooting School says he ‘will not quit until his last breath’ after losing an appeal against a council enforcement notice over noise which could result in the club’s closure.

Graham Brown, who runs the school based on Puddletown Road in Wareham, says that he has complied with Purbeck District Council over the past 20 years.

However, following an investigation by a government planning inspector, council officials are continuing to uphold the notice, citing the gunfire as exceeding a 55db level which was affecting residents within one kilometre of the site.

Mr Brown says that he will be taking the appeal to the High Court in London, as it’s not just about him but the people of Dorset and the shooting community, who use the school’s facilities.

“There’s also 14,000 licence holders in Dorset that need to be shown how to use a gun safely and there is nowhere else in the area where they can go.

“We have to fight on because the area needs this, we generate a lot of money for the Purbeck area and we generate a tremendous amount of money for the community and charities.

“I have made too many personal sacrifices over the past 20 years for this not to work.”

Lionel Fynn, the solicitor acting on behalf of Mr Brown, from Horsey Lightly Fynn, said: “This was a very unsympathetic decision which paid no attention to the 19 years the School has been there doing the same thing for its numerous supporters.

“I am delighted that counsel has agreed the decision is wrong and should be challenged in the High Court.”

The solicitor for Purbeck District Council said: “The Council has received formal notification that Mr Brown is seeking to challenge the planning inspector’s decision in the High Court.


“This will be a matter between Mr Brown and the Secretary of State, so Purbeck District Council would be unlikely to take an active role in the court proceedings.”


Peter Wilson Retires.

Peter Wilson

Peter Wilson MBE has announced his retirement from competitive Olympic Double Trap at the age of 28. Wilson, from Dorset gave Britain a first shooting gold for 12 years, when he won at London 2012. 

Following his victory at the 2012 Summer Olympics, Wilson went onto to win the 2013 Al Ain World Cup, which was his last performance for British Shoting. 

Speaking of his retirement, Wilson took took to twitter adding, “With regret I have decided to give up competitive Olympic Double Trap.

“Since having achieved the goals I set myself (World Record, World Number One, and Olympic Gold) I have struggled to find a new incentive to compete.


“I am still passionate about all forms of shooting and will always be ready to do what I can to promote it to a wider audience.


“Olympic Double Trap has been very good to me and I am very grateful to everyone who has had a hand in my success but I would rather go out now, at the top after my most recent success in Al Ain (2013), and move on to the next challenge.”


Wilson retires with not only an Olympic gold medal to his name but also three World Cup golds and one silver, as well as a European silver and junior gold. He will now take on the role of double trap coach for young British shooter, James Dedman and said: "I believe he has the talent to go all the way to the very top but at the moment he is a junior. He is a really exciting prospect for the future. I see a lot of me in him and that's very exciting."



Calling all Dorset Shooters.

Can all Dorset Shooters please leave there E-Mail and Mobile numbers with Anthea at southern on there next visit. Once we loose are shooting ground we will need to be able to contact everyone to keep you posted on where and when our championships will be taking place. Fill free to E-Mail myself or Tony Read, our addresses are on this web site. Also keep an eye on Pull Magazine.Thanks

Tony Read 100 Straight.

Well done Tony Read after 26 years of shooting Down The Line Tony managed a 100 straight at Axminster well done Tony.

Well done to Christine and Terry Poore for a brown envelope a piece from Brook Bank, shooting Down The Line. Thats Christines first of many i hope. 


More bad news for Dorset Shooters.

Popular shooting school served with enforcement notice for being too loud


FUTURE: Graham Brown with 16-year-old Emily Hibbs, who has just won a place on the Dorset County Sportrap team

FUTURE: Graham Brown with 16-year-old Emily Hibbs, who has just won a place on the Dorset County Sportrap team

First published 10:22 Thursday 18 September 2014 in Newsby Jim Durkin

THE future of a popular Dorset shooting school hangs in the balance, after district officials served it with an enforcement notice for being too loud.

A government planning inspector is currently considering the evidence from a hearing, held at Purbeck District Council last month, that could spell disaster for the Purbeck Shooting School.

Officials, who say they acted following a complaint, issued an enforcement notice on the school at Puddletown Road, near Wareham, last December.

They cited the gunfire as exceeding a 55db level which was affecting residents living within one kilometre of the site.

However, school senior instructor and managing director Graham Brown appealed against the enforcement notice, arguing through his solicitor the noise level originally set down was always impossible to stay within and had been breached regularly for more than a decade without any enforcement action.

During the hearing, at Purbeck District Council’s Westport House headquarters, evidence was also heard from former councillor and planning board member Malcolm Shakesby, who explained the original 55db passed by the authority in 2003 came into being without any professional or technical recommendations.

In his final address, Mr Brown’s solicitor Lionel Fynn said: “The appellant has ample evidence to show that beyond any reasonable doubt, never mind on balance of probabilities, the condition was breached from the date of the granting of the permanent consent until the date of the enforcement notice on a regular and continuous basis, because the normal changes and variations in climate conditions have made this inevitable.”

According to Mr Fynn, to establish grounds for appeal Mr Brown has to prove that the use complained about started more than 10 years before the notice issued last December.

He added: “The council after this extraordinary length of time has suddenly decided that it wants to enforce the condition in its original form.

“The chances of even a week going by without further breaches are remote. Consequently, if the appeal is dismissed further breach is inevitable no matter what the appellant does failing closing the operation altogether which is exactly what he would have to do.”

New Secretary.

Hi everyone big thank you to Anthea for everything she has done over the years and I hope to carry on as best as I can. If anybody has any ideas or questions on anything Dorset or shooting related  please fill free to E mail me. Please bare with me on the web site,its  gonna take a while to settle into it. Please send any pictures or info on local shoots to me and i will place them on the web site.

New Secretary for Dorset

Anthea Hillyer has stepped down as the Dorset CPSA Secretary and at the Dorset Committee meeting today Garry Foster has agreed to take over the position. He will also take over the Dorset Website.

Good Luck Garry and I hope you do Dorset proud.


New Date for English Skeet South West Championship & Inter County Final 

The English Skeet South West Championship & Inter County Final at Southern Counties has been moved from Sunday 31st August to Sunday 21st September - please contact your Team Manager Pete Brushett on 07788-230128 to let him know you can attend on the new date - thanks


Results of the 2014 Dorset Sportrap Championship

A 123 for Richard King, Graham Brown and Eric Charles - who ??

We expect to find Richard King winning a Dorset Championship - we expect to find Graham Brown of Purbeck up there too but Eric Charles - he shot a brilliant 80 finishing 8th overall in the competition and 3rd in Dorset ahead of AA shots Mark Cassel, Andy Herbert-Smith, Rob Burleigh and Chris Dare. Eric only started shooting CPSA competitions last year but with a recent 86 ex 100 at Podimore in June, his Sportrap rounds of 22, 22, 17 & 19 has given him 2nd in B class (classified on the day) and his first Dorset Team place for the Inter County Final on Sunday 7th September at Podimore. Many congratulations Eric and perhaps next time you take part in a competition your Dad will start looking for your score at the top of the list instead of the bottom !!!!!!

For Full Results please look at the Dorset Championships


An excited Christine Poore was on the telephone even before she left Brookbank last Sunday 6th July 'I shot 90 my best ever score at DTL and I had to ring and tell you'. Well done Chris and I know even better scores are to come.

And congratulations to Garry Foster for a well deserved 100/298 the day before at Axminster.

Terry Bobbett is back on the Board

The CPSA have recently announced that Terry Bobbett stood unopposed for South West Regional Director, the position vacated by Kevin Newton, and has therefore returned to the CPSA's Board.


Twins for Michael & Kirsty

Many congratulations to my son Michael Hillyer & Kirsty on the birth of their twin boys James Michael and Archie Ray. Born a little premature on Tuesday 13th May and weighing just 3lb 2oz and 3lb 1oz, they and Kirsty are doing well in Winchester Hospital.

Already having two little girls Lexie and Macie, I'm sure a few C class sporting shooters will be particularly pleased for Michael and hope he might be too busy to shoot for awhile !!

Anthea Hillyer


RJK Wins Prelim Sporting

The Prelim English Sporting competition held at E.J. Churchill's, the same venue as the World English Sporting Championship, has been won by Dorset's Richard King. Attracting guns from all over the World, Richard's exceptional score of 96 ex 100 put him three targets clear of his nearest rivals Steve Lovatt from Gloucestershire and JRB Kidd from America - Paul Thomas was Dorset's next top shooter on 87.


Turbo Charged at 2014 World Sportrap

And so nearly a World Championship for Dorset's Stuart 'Turbo' Rudling. Rounds of 24/24/25 gave Stuart a share of the lead in the World Sportrap also held at E.J. Churchill's but a 22 ex 25 on his last round cost him dearly finishing on 95 just one target behind the winning score of 96. Still an excellent score Stuart and hope you have a good World Sporting.


Emails from Anthea Hillyer

Unfortunately there seems to be a virus on Anthea Hillyer's computer and emails proporting to come from her are being sent to many of her email addresses - several saying Hi News and then attaching a diet plan (from Vietnam) - I can assure you that I am not getting our Dorset shooters to trim down for the Dorset Championships and will try and get the virus sorted asap. Please let her know if you get any more and of course if the diet is working !!!

Anthea Hillyer


Kevin Resigns as South West Regional Director

A vancancy has arisen for the position of South West Regional Director to join the Clay Pigeon Shooting Associaion's Board following the resignation of Southern Counties' Manager Kevin Newton.

Please see the CPSA website for full details if you are interested in this position.


Little & Large in Dubai



or Has Richard Grown !!!!


Hugh Volunteers to Miss ABT 

Hugh Campos-Martyn was unable to join his sister Augusta at the recent Dorset ABT Championship as he is currently in Guatemala on the Pacific Coast doing a volunteer field study programme. His father Luke tells us that he is studying coastal erosion and the effect it has on wildlife with specific focus on leatherback turtles. As part of the volunteer programme he has been spending time in the local coastal community schools helping the local children learn about global warming effects on the local wildlife and their environment around them.

Hugh should be returning to the UK at the end of April and then hopefully will be able to attend the Dorset Single Barrel Championship on Sunday 4th May and the Dorset DTL Championship on the following Sunday 11th May.

For full details of the ABT Results - please see 2014 Dorset County Championships

2014 Dorset's County Championships Start in March

Blow the cobwebs from your gun and find the Dorset trophy you won last year - yes the Dorset County Championships for 2014 start on Sunday 23rd March with ABT followed by English Sporting the next Sunday 30th and both events are at Southern Counties.

Please return all the Dorset Championship trophies on or before the day (clean would be good) and you can only get away with not returning them if you win the trophy again this year !!

There has been some recent changes to the dates of the County Championships so keep a close eye on this website or check out the fixtures at Southern Counties


Dorset's Tony Read is SW Chairman

At the recent South West AGM our Treasurer and South West Representative Tony Read has taken over the job of South West Chairman. Congratulations Tony and we wish him well in his new position.


Big Darrin - Little Sausage !!

Ok you sent the photo Darrin !! but Big Darrin is back in form - 24/71  25/75  25/73  25/73 at the recent DTL competition at Southern Counties.

It is so good to see him posting these scores after some bad health problems.

The only bad news for Darrin finishing in 2nd place overall was that Dorset's Rob Burleigh went one better on this rare February sunny/windless day 25/75  25/75  24/70  25/75 - well done Rob.


25/75's for Trevor & Hugh

Dorset shooters were out in force at the early February DTL shoot at Southern Counties. Topping the Dorset scores with a perfect 25/75 on his second round was Trevor Lake who finished on 96/284, fifth overall and first in C class. Ian Mulliner was not far behind on 96/280 with Garry Foster 94/274. Our Juniors also shot well with Hugh Campos-Martyn shooting his first ever 25/75 also on his second round, out-shooting his sister Augusta who also started strongly with two 23/67's.


Jack is Dorset's Team Mascot

By popular vote Jack has become Dorset's Clay Shooting Team Mascot - I am sure you have seen Jack at Southern Sounties supporting his Mum Emma Johns and big Darrin Donaldson - so for his support he has been awarded with our new team cap.


Do People Shoot Clays on Their Wedding Day ??
Yes if you are Pete Brushett. A top score of 98 English Skeet at Brookbank set Pete well on his way to challenge some of his Wedding Guests on Saturday 21st September to a competition at Southern Counties prior to his Wedding - getting married at the George Albert Hotel on site helped !! I did hear that Roy Partridge took advance of the fact that Pete had his wedding on his mind to win.
99 + 25
No British Open English Skeet title in 2013 for Richard King but so close. With three shooters finishing on 100, Richard's 99 ex 100 put him into a shoot-off for 1st in AA which he won with a 25 straight. Dorset's soon to be married Pete Brushett shot very well for his 95 but will be disappointed with his 21 on his third round 24/25/21/25 - don't do too much shooting on your Wedding Day Pete (Reception at Southern Counties later this month ).
Simone Cunningham - well what a poppet and can shoot - started with a 25 straight and then probably got all excited !!!! - 87 ex 100 - well done.
Wildcards from Rankings
Dorset has several England and Great Britain Team Members who are unavailable for the Dorset County Championships but who can attend the South West Inter County Finals. In order for Dorset to be competitive, the Committee have decided in 2013 that two wild card shooters who are ranked in the top six of the current CPSA averages from each discipline can be included in the Senior Team, replacing the last two shooters. If places are still needed we can go further down the rankings.
England Team Places for Ian
Congratulations to our Chairman Ian Mulliner, who has secured a place in both the Olympic Trap and ABT England Team. I understand it is the first time a Dorset shooter has shot Olympic Trap for England so we wish him well at the Home International in Scotland on 16th/17th August. He then shoots the ABT Home International in Wales on 20th/21st September.
100 Straight for Colin
Ok not really 100 straight as the 4 rounds of 25 straights were shot over a month and not on one day, but Colin Pennington has achieved his straights in all of the four Dorset Championships he has attended this year - Sportrap, All Round (on English Skeet), ABT and Olympic Skeet. I think to shoot a 25 straight is great shooting but to do it on ABT and now Olympic Skeet when you don't usually shoot these disciplines is just brilliant. Colin is now leading the Supreme Championship with English Sporting, DTL and FITASC to go.


Another World Cup Win for Peter

After a Winter of being in the media spotlight, Peter Wilson MBE has returned to Double Trap with a magnificent win at the World Cup in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates on 21st April 2013. In spite of having just two weeks training and not looking to shoot in this competition, Peter's coach, the 2004 Olympic Champion Sheik Amhed Almaktoum of Dubai pushed him to take part.

Shooting the new system Double Trap which throws random pairs, Peter qualified in fifth place for the semi-final having shot 30-27-30-25-29=141 ex 150 a total of 5 targets behind Walton Eller from America. With the new ISSF rules, the qualification scores are not carried forward into the final phases, no problem for Peter he then shot a blistering 29 ex 30 gaining a spot in the Gold medal match. There Peter, the reigning Olympic Champion, met China's Hao Wang and shooting a faultless 30 ex 30 to Wang's 28 took the World Cup.

Another massive congratulations and an excellent start to your journey to Rio in 2016.

Dorset's Mr Bean awarded the MBE

Peter Wilson has made the headlines again by being awarded the MBE in the New Year's Honours - just as many of us were watching him take part in Superstars on the television. I'm glad his MBE did not depend on throwing the javelin nor running the 800 metres (someone said they thought he ran like Mr Bean !!) but may I say Peter well done for taking part and although you didn't win we are all very proud of you. And .......... very many congratulations for your MBE it is just reward for your brilliant Olympic acheivement.

100 for Colin

Colin White's DTL scores have been improving steadily but now he has acheived the maximum '100' at Axminster on Saturday 19th October. Many congratulations to you Colin - a great result.

'Itsy Bitsy Emma'

How can a spider help you to shoot well - ask Emma Johns !!

Having seen a spider dangling from the acoustic microphone in front of her at the National Inter Counties DTL, Emma decided to sing 'Itsy Bitsy Spider' and then shoots 24/72 - 25/73 - 25/73 - 22/65 (probably stopped singing !!) = 96/283.

I am not sure what the rest of her squad thought but having won the Ladies Team event with friend Karen Rees and beating her other half Darrin Donaldson who finished on 96/279 - Emma all I can say is .................. brilliant.