DORSET Website : News

Welcome to 2017

The future is bright.


Dorset CPSA is trying a new view on attempting to keep members updated on things happening in the local area. Without sounding like a broken record, we all deeply miss Southern Counties and all the facilities it provided, but we are trying to promote shooting in the Dorset area with the limited grounds available.

Which is why we are asking for all members and clubs, new or old to get in contact. If you have anything you wish to be published, from shoots you wish to promote, courses and upcoming events, to just going out shooting with friends and you would like your photos and blurbs placed onto this website. Please get in touch through the "contact us" tab to the left.

Communication is the key and we will try to do our best at keeping members informed about upcoming events and County information, but we can't do it without all you dedicated members. Please check in regularly with this website, like and share our Facebook page ( ) for more information.

Lets make Dorset great again.