East Midlands Website : News

East Midlands ABT March 29th 2009


Nottingham & District Gun Club hosted the first Regional Championship event of the season holding the ABT on Sunday 29th March.

Unusually for Nottingham there was no wind and it was sunshine all the way for the 65 entrants, 55 of which were from the region which is very encouraging as this is the second highest attendance at this event since records began.

John Winn of Lincolnshire who last year did the Senior and Vets double returned the trophies in the morning and took them home again in the evening as he retained his titles although he was pushed hard by fellow  Lincs Vet Bob Richardson who was just one clay behind John’s winning total of 96 and he had to settle for the runners up berth in both Seniors and Vet’s.  


The third place honours went to Nott’s shooter Jody Clarke after a very competitive shoot off with Mick Feather and Nigel Watson, after the first round of the shoot off all three were level on 22, but a further round saw Jody take the Bronze medal with a score of 24 one shot clear of Mick and Nigel.

With the Gold and Silver settled in the Vets it was left to Nott’s shooter Ken Rimington to take the bronze medal with a score of 92.

Northants Lady Sue Bate took the Ladies Gold Medal with a score of 85 which was six clear of Regional Chair and Lincs county shooter Janet Stennett, another Lincs shooter Tracy Bridge completed proceedings by winning the bronze medal just one target behind Janet.

The junior winner had to be decided with a shoot off as George Waller from Camb’s and Curtis Woolley from Nott’s finished all square on 87 after the regulation 100 targets. Curtis only recorded one loss in the shoot off to take the title three targets clear of George and Lincs junior Jack Wilkinson back in the bronze medal position on 85.

Thanks go to Carl and the team at Nottingham & DGC for running the event and especially the lovely Julia for providing much of the detail of this report.