East Midlands Website : News

All Round Junior High Gun Resolved


Last week’s Junior High Gun title at the Inter Counties All Round event at High Tower Gun Club was left un-resolved as the Nott’s pairing of Luke Bartle and Curtis Woolley had both shot the day before and as their  score was not matched or bettered and neither returned on the Sunday so  it was down to Nott’s CPSA and Nottingham &DGC to arrange a shoot off to decide the destination of the trophy.

As per the rules the four disciplines were put into a hat and out came Single Barrel DTL, both shooters shot really well but at the end of the day Curtis only dropped one target which was enough for him to take the prize, this was Curtis’s 15th shoot off and he happily for him maintained an amazing 100% record.

Congratulations to both the Nott’s lads and many thanks to Nott’s CPSA and Nottingham & District for arranging and overseeing proceedings.