East Midlands Website : News

Inter Conties FITASC Confusion


It appears there has been some confusion over the venue of the East Midlands Inter Counties FITASC competition. It has for some time been advertised as being at Lakenheath CTC on the 18th October 2009, we subsequently received reports that the shoot was being advertised on the High Lodge website and in there clubhouse that the shoot was at their venue a week earlier.

We are unsure how this confusion has arisen even now after talking to both grounds and talking to those involved in the decision process of awarding shoots to grounds.

Following these discussions it has been decided that the shoot will remain at the advertised venue of Lakenheath CTC and will be on the 18th October 2009 again as advertised, on behalf of the East Midlands CPSA I would like to apologise for the confusion caused and hope that Counties will support the shoot.

Colin Butler – East Midlands General Secretary.