East Midlands Website : News

ZZ Helice Makes a Comeback

ZZ Helice Makes a Comeback.

Pictured Above is a typical ZZ Helice layout, the target is top right.

Last night’s East Midlands AGM through up an almost predictable topic in Any Other Business when the subject of ZZ Helice was raised. Helice was dropped from the fixtures a few years ago by the Regional Committee because of very poor attendance, the last year the event was held only one person from the entire region shot it and the few years previous to that levies received from attending shooters never covered the outlay for medals and engraving.

Following a successful presentation by Tony Clayton the meeting voted to reinstate the ZZ Helice event this year. It is hoped that the Region can shoot its championship on the same day as the Leicestershire & Rutland event who have already booked Rugby Gun Club, Northamptonshire have also pledged to resurrect their own event to support the region, Northants like the region have not held a ZZ event for a few years again because of poor attendance.

The date of the event is Saturday 23rd October 2010, to learn more about ZZ Helice click here.