East Midlands Website : News


                  ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
The 38th Annual General Meeting of the East Midlands CPSA took place on Monday evening February 7th at Peterborough.
It was pretty much business as usual with the existing officers of Janet Stennett (Chairman), Carl Smith (Vice Chairman), Colin Butler (General Secretary), Paul Stennett (Treasurer) and Julia Fell all returned unopposed.
Janet gave her report on the year detailing what the East Mids committee were doing for shooters in the region by way of the Directors Trophy, The Season Ticket and continually providing Championships in every discipline despite many other regions cutting back in the these difficult times. Janet concluded by thanking her fellow officers and the regional reps for helping make the East Midlands CPSA what it was, a successful and well organised region.
A lively Q & A session during any other business saw CEO John Perry, Director Colin Butler, I.T. Manager Peter Tomlin from HQ and Carl Smith (Nottingham & DGC) field some probing questions all I hope answered to the satisfaction of the questioning attendee's.


Allan Wright (Cambridgeshire) and Paul Brown (Nottinghamshire) were both awarded keepsakes in recognition of the work they had both done over the years in their counties.

There was also a presentation of the Directors Trophy made to Dick Hails as Chairman of Suffolk in recognition of being the top point’s scorers in the Intercounties events throughout the year.
For details on the Season Ticket draw see here.