East Midlands Website : News

ABT Shooters do the Region Proud


John Winn - ABT English Open Veterans Champion

As always our trap shooters represent the region superbly well and the English Open ABT at Bywell was no exception to that rule.

Our Ladies team romped to victory under the guidance of Regional Team Captain Alison Dupree of Lincolnshire; Alison was aided and abetted by Northants duo Sue Bate and Rachel Yardy. The girls really dominated this event by also having a clean sweep in the Ladies Division with Rachel coming out on top with a score of 178 to become Ladies English Open Champion, Alison settled for the silver medal with 172 and Sue in the bronze position on 167.

 Sue Bate & Alison Dupree

Our Vet’s were also on top with John “The Trap Master “Winn, Bob Richardson and Tony Clayton doing the damage. Although we couldn’t claim High Gun overall we still fought out the Third Place overall with John Winn & Jack Wilkinson who incidentally was also representing the Senior Team as we were unable to field a junior side, they were against John Reilly from the West Midlands. This went on for two full rounds when John Reilly was knocked out and John and Jack went on to the single barrel “miss and out” and Jack unfortunately lost after 4 targets to John, to take third place, John’s score was also good enough to give him the Veteran’s title, Jack’s compensation was he had already won the Junior title and cleaned up in A Class.

Tony Clayton - Bob Richardson - John Winn

Jack Wilkinson - ABT English Open Junior Champion

The East Midlands Seniors finished a worthy third.

Congratulations to our Team Captain Alison and all that represented the Region, your efforts are really appreciated.