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Regional Sportrap Championships


Brian Dunbavin - Senior & Veterans Sportrap Champion

A scorching hot day was the ideal welcome for Cambridge Gun Club to host its first regional Championship and 70 shooters pitched up to reward ground owners Mick & Karen Hodson for their commitment to the region.

Steve Leonard from Bedfordshire was the early pace setter with a score of 88 with just layout two putting a dent in his steady scoring; he was soon joined by Mick Parsons from Leicestershire who also suffered a blip but this time on layout three to damage his solid 23’s on each of the of the three other layouts. Brian Dunbavin from Camb’s who has just recently been given the nod for an England call up just squeezed past the pacesetters with an 89 although he tried his best to give that away with a below par score for Brian of 19 on layout 4 which incidentally proved to be the graveyard for many a score as course setter Mick turned the screw. Jamie Harding from Camb’s and Eric Chapman from Suffolk did look like they may at least force a shoot off but in the end both fell just short to give Brian the Senior & Veteran’s titles plus a very tasty High Gun prize of £120 that was put up by Camb’s Gun Club. As both Mick and Steve had left the  ground the medal placings were decided by countback with Steve taking the Silver and Mick the Bronze.

With Brian taking the Vet’s title it was down to long travelling Stewart Chester from Lincolnshire to be rewarded with the Silver medal with a sore of 85, East Mids regular Rod Gifford from Camb’s completed the 1-2-3 with a score of 71 to win the Bronze medal.

Rod Gifford (Vets Bronze) - Brian Dunbavin - Jake Moore (Junior Silver)

A field of five Ladies competed for the Regional title and it was Pauline Chapman from Suffolk who dominated the event with a score of 74 to take the Gold medal; as far as I am aware this is Pauline’s first Regional title so congratulations to her. Runner up and Silver medallist was Cambridgeshire Colt Georgia Moule who recorded her first regional medal win with a score of 64, Georgia was well clear of third place finisher Michele Conway also from Camb’s.

Michele Conway (Bronze) - Pauline Chapman (Gold) - Georgia Moule (Silver)

 In Juniors Taylor Hedgecock continues to improve and took the Gold medal with a score of 81, Taylor still a Colt was just 10 clays down until layout 4 took its toll but it was still good enough to narrowly outpoint another rising star Jake Moore from Norfolk who finished the day on 79 to earn the Silver medal who in turn just pipped Josh Pearson from Camb’s by one clay to take the Bronze.

Taylor Hedgecock - Junior Sportrap Champion

Very many thanks to Karen & Mick at Cambridge Gun Club and all the staff that gave us a superb day’s competition and all this in well presented grounds. I know both of them had a few sleepless nights in the run up to this event but they needn’t have worried because the shoot was absolutely spot on, and I’m sure they will gain many new friends in the coming months.



Brian Dunbavin

AA – 1st

Steve Leonard

A – 1st

Jamie Harding

A – 2nd

Stewart Chester

B – 1st

Mick Parsons

B – 2nd Joint

Alan Stronge & Gordon Webster

B – 4th

Taylor Hedgecock

C – 1st

Bob Meadows

C – 2nd

Nick Smith Jnr

C – 3rd

Nigel Sharpe

C – 4th Joint

Graham Carter & Steve Pledger