East Midlands Website : News

ZZ Helice Date Change

Many thanks to those of you that have contacted me within the last hour or two to try and resolve the issue with the date of the East Midlands CPSA ZZ Helice Championships to be held at Rugby & District Trap Club.

We have now managed to find a date that is hopefully more acceptable and I can now tell you that the East Midlands CPSA ZZ Helice Championships will be held at Rugby & DTC on Saturday 29th of October 2011.

John has asked me to tell you all that there will still be a ZZ shoot on the 21st September at Rugby but it will no longer be the East Mids Championship’s.

If you wish to book on for either event please use the contact details below; we apologise if this has inconvenienced you in any way.


NOTTINGHAM & DISTRICT GUN CLUB (Single Barrel) – 01623 – 883798

RUGBY & DISTRICT TRAP CLUB – (ZZ Helice) – 07770551491