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East Midlands Intercounties ABT


For three rounds it was touch and go in the Intercounties ABT with just a point or two separating a handful of Counties leaving the destination of the glassware in doubt until the final rotation. It was at that point the well-oiled machine of Team Lincs fired up and pulled away to a nine shot lead over runners up Norfolk, Nigel Watson top scored for Lincolnshire giving them a final team total of 361/400, Jack Wilkinson 91, Dave Sipling 89, Marvin Houghton 88, Nick Pearce 85 and Paul Smith 82 completed the winning line up.

Runners up Norfolk are really putting the pressure on near neighbours and long-time rivals Suffolk in the Directors Trophy, last year was the first running of this event where Counties earn points from their finishing order over the six Intercounties disciplines, last year Suffolk cruised to victory having it all virtually sewn up before the last event but this year Suffolk are not having it all their own way and with just the FITASC to go at Lakenheath next Sunday Suffolk are a single point in front. The Norfolk team who led at the halfway stage had Karl Hagan as top scorer on 91, Russell Houghton 88, Richard Gilbert 88, Steve Herrieven 85, Dave Powley 76 and Richard Newstead 74 completed the Norfolk team.

Once again the Lincolnshire ladies romped to victory keeping their stranglehold on this event finishing with a team score of 162/200, Jackie Houghton 84 doing the main damage, Alison Dupree 78 and Tracey Bridge 72 completed the trio.

Lincolnshire Vets made it a triple celebration by just edging out Nottinghamshire on the last rotation winning by four clays to finish with a team score of 180/200, John “The Trapmaster “Winn was once again top of the pile finishing on 92, John Stephenson 75, Terry Taylor 74 and Dave Shepherd 88 completed the winning Linc’s quartet.

Sadly we only had one junior team entry from Nottinghamshire but saying that they would have been very hard to beat finishing on 180/200 which would have been enough to tie for the Veterans title, so its many thanks and congratulations to the Nott’s juniors of Joe Booth 81, Freddy Brown 58, Connor Bean 86 and Curtis Woolley who also added another Junior High Gun trophy to his collection finishing on a very respectable 94.

Finally and certainly not least I have to grovel to Carl Smith and his happy band at NDGC, during my presentation of Trophies & Prize money I forgot to praise the faultless running of yet another event, I hope you can forgive me Team Nottingham as once again you did us proud ……Thank You !  TTttttt

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All Prize Money was collected. 


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