East Midlands Website : News

East Midlands Supreme Championship


The East Midlands CPSA committee are always looking at new ways of giving something back to you the shooter to reward you for your loyal support.The Season ticket competition which was started last year is flourishing and it has helped attract over 350 more entries to our shoots over the last year, that has been good news for us as a region and it’s also been great for grounds as it is much needed revenue in these cash strapped times.

The Directors Trophy has also helped attract additional shooters into getting involved in the six Intercounties events later in the year, a tweak of the rules last year also helped and it meant more of you could be involved when the points for each Intercounties Championship were determined.

For 2012 we bring you something new and again I’m pleased to say that entry costs nothing and you do not even have to register an interest, we do all that for you and keep a track of the scores throughout the year and we will also give you regular updates of who is leading in each category.

The competition will be called the EAST MIDLANDS CPSA SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP and was an idea first given to us by Kyle Woodhall Cross from Norfolk. I’m also pleased to announce that we have already secured sponsorship for this and Carl Smith the owner of Nottingham & District Gun Club has kindly donated cartridges for the winners and on behalf of everyone I would like to thank Carl for his continued support of the Region.

Although we are still working through the nuts and bolts of the idea and the scoring system still has to be finalised along with the rules of the competition I can tell you that the event will be run over five of the major East Mids shoots in 2012 those being;

English Sporting – Normanton

English Skeet – Northampton

All Round – Nottingham

ABT – Nottingham

DTL – Nottingham

The awards for each winner will be;

Overall East Midlands Supreme Champion – Cup/Trophy – 500 Cartridges – Cloth Badge

Senior East Midlands Supreme Champion – 250 Cartridges – Cloth Badge

Ladies East Midlands Supreme Champion – 250 Cartridges – Cloth Badge

Veteran East Midlands Supreme Champion – 250 Cartridges – Cloth Badge

Junior East Midlands Supreme Champion – 250 Cartridges – Cloth Badge