East Midlands Website : News

No Need to Referee at ABT !!


After several approaches by shooters and county reps to the regional committee regarding refereeing at ABT events, the regional committee deliberated at great length and decided by majority vote to approach the Board of Directors, with a view to trial a system whereby official refs supplied by the ground reffed and shooters needed no participation.

We know that many of you have strong feelings on this subject, some saying we shouldn’t mess with tradition, but we feel that some are reluctant to shoot this discipline simply because they don’t like to ref or score.

As an open minded committee that listens to shooters we are pleased to announce that the Board have sanctioned this trial at both the Regional and Intercounties ABT shoots to be both held at Nottingham. More good news is, ground owner Carl Smith has agreed there will be no price increase to shooters, so if you agree or not with this trial please come and have a go as your feedback is very important to us.