East Midlands Website : News

AGM Report 2012


The region held its Annual General Meeting back at an old haunt for us at the Bell Inn Stilton. A good turnout from regional members plus two guests from HQ, Nick Fellows (CEO) and Terry Bobbett were welcomed by our First Lady Janet Stennett.

The first half of the meeting covered the business end of things; Janet gave her Annual Report in which she thanked all the members of the committee for their continued support and hard work. Janet pointed out that the region is always keen to look at new ways to support shooting, shooters and shooting grounds within the region and to that end a number of initiatives and competitions had brought back a fruitful return to the region. Janet went on to announce that the region were to continue in the same vein with the launching of the new Supreme Championship competition which is being kindly sponsored by Carl Smith of Nottingham & District Gun Club. Full details and the rules on this competition can be found on the East Midlands website.

As always a minutes silence was observed in respect of regional members who had sadly passed away in the last twelve months.

The election of Officers was pretty much business as usual with Janet Stennet (Chair), Carl Smith (Deputy Chair), Colin Butler ( General Secretary ), Paul Stennett (Treasurer) and Julia Fell (Minutes Secretary) all being re-elected unopposed for another year.

The ratification of Regional representatives for the 2012 season is as follows, Andrew Clifton & Helen Nicholson (Bedfordshire), Clive Hames & Geoff Bryant (Northants), Kyle Woodhall Cross & Mike Jennings (Norfolk), Alan Bott & Pip Jones (Leicestershire), Dick Hails & Frank Welham (Suffolk), Carl Smith & Dave Sayer (Nottinghamshire), Hazel Whiten & Allan Wright (Cambs) & Paul & Janet Stennett (Lincolnshire).

Dick Hails the Chairman of Suffolk CPSA accepted the Directors Trophy on behalf of his County shooters for their success in the Inter Counties shoots last year where they retained the title.

Two awards were made to shooters for their continued support over many years to the region, this year both recipients were from Cambridgeshire namely John Barnard and Tony Randall, sadly Tony was unable to attend the presentation.

A surprise presentation of a decanter and glasses was then made to Paul & Janet Stennett in respect of their continued work and support to both County & Region, Colin Butler presenting said, that the award was also in respect of the fact that despite Paul’s long fight with illness many people would have given up their committee duties and responsibilities, but Paul & Janet had carried on and for that they had the respect of the East Midlands committee and members.

Nick Fellows drew out the winning ticket for the East Midlands Season Ticket worth over £750 to the lucky winner; this year’s recipient is Graham Cave from Suffolk who incidentally was a former Chairman of the region. I spoke to Graham this morning and he is delighted and plans to make a great use of the Season Ticket even promising to have a little dabble at Skeet.

Any other business and the Q +A session with Terry Bobbett and Nick Fellows at the end proved to be very lively with members requesting information regarding a former Director’s two legal claims against the CPSA, other topics were over the use or non-use of angle markers at DTL, Independent Directors, Non Registered shooters and the Day Pass Scheme, the new OT Shot Size rule, The British Shoot Show and marketing the CPSA to non-members.