East Midlands Website : News

Regional ABT Championships


Not so much Baywatch, but Claywatch !!!

 On Sunday 4th of March we kicked off the 2012 Championship season at Nottingham for the Regional ABT, the day was also special because of the fact we the East Midlands region were trialling a system whereby you would not have to referee, score or work the abacus, this was to be done by the grounds referee’s.

With a healthy entry booked in, we anticipated a good day’s competition and a fair trial of the system, it was then the Weather God’s took hold and through all manner of foul conditions at the shooters.

A steady trickle of phone calls came in with people taking one look out of their bedroom window and thinking better of braving the atrocious conditions and withdrew from the competition.

Thankfully 40 brave souls faced torrential rain that was blowing horizontally into the faces of the shooters, the wind was unbearable creating a wind chill of several degrees less and to top it off we had sleet for the final few rounds.

On behalf of the East Midlands CPSA I would just like to thank each and every one of you for supporting the region, every shooter completed the full 100 targets when it could have been so easy just to give up.

So onto the competition; after the first round in probably the best of the weather Malc Craven from Lincolnshire was leading the way on 24, just  one clay in front of fellow county shooter Marv Houghton and also Martin Hambleton of Leicestershire. Last year’s winner John “The Trapmaster” Winn was well down the field in 8th place after for him a lack lustre 22.

The second round saw John step it up a gear with a superb 24 to leap to joint top of the leader board with Martin with arch rival and good friend Jack Wilkinson close behind the pacesetters in third. Round three saw no change in the leaders with each recording 24’s so it was all on the final round. Martin and Jack both struggled with the worsening conditions scoring19, while John scored 23 to regain the overall and Veterans honours, Martin having to settle for the silver medal and Jack bronze with the added consolation of once again winning the Junior title.

A great turnout of East Mids Ladies resulted in a superb scrap between Jackie Houghton of Lincolnshire and Sue Bate of Northants. Jackie was three up at the halfway point only to throw the lead away and be three points behind after round three. Jackie gathered her thoughts and clawed her way back into joint first scoring 24 on her last round when Sue must have thought she had done enough scoring 21. A shoot off was needed to sort out the destination of the gold and silver medals and there was almost a reluctance to once again brave the conditions, in the end both girls ventured outside and Sue overcame Jackie to win the Ladies title and Jackie settling for the silver medal, Davina Rowe of Nottinghamshire completed the final placing’s by winning the bronze medal.

The final placing’s of the day went to Joe Booth from Nottinghamshire who was the runner up in Juniors, and also to Dave Shepherd From Lincolnshire for winning the runners up medal in Vets and fellow county shooter Malc Craven who took the bronze in Vets.

The Days Medal & Trophy Winners.

Finally and by no means least a special mention has to go to the team of referees at Nottingham, they sat and scored every single squad and must have been soaked beyond belief yet they did it in an efficient and professional manner and did not complain once. During the presentation they got a rousing reception from appreciative shooters who were more than thankful they had not had to score.

Thanks of course also to Nottingham & District who also went the extra mile to ensure that the ref’s could see exactly what was going on once shooting started and manufactured Baywatch towers for the refs………..see the picture !!