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Regional English Sporting Championships


Ed "Lovable " Solomons shooting, Ben Husthwaite looking on.

First of all, a big thank you to all 167 shooters who came out in force to support the region and Normanton Gun Club. What is probably most pleasing is to hear the very positive comments from shooters from out of the region; I had many people say to me yesterday how great it is to see the East Mids committee working so hard, providing incentives and encouraging people to come along and just enjoy the shooting……..thank you all, your comments are very much appreciated.

Ok back to the shoot………..The early starters were welcomed with grey skies, a mild breeze and the occasional spot of rain. I along with many others started on the most obvious route of stand 1 through to 13, a nice pair of incomers got the gun moving and blew a few cobwebs away, swiftly followed by a rabbit and a standard crosser…..all good so far. The stands past the club house slowly but surely got tougher as you progressed, and for many the stands along the water’s edge were a baptism of fire, the dreaded stand 9 possibly being the most discussed of the day. I have to say I think I could have got through a 1,000 shells and still probably not touched that monster teal, but saying that it was a Championship course and many people enjoyed the challenge of taking on some real tasty targets, and you know what they say: “The Cream always rises to the top”, and in this case it certainly did.

Former World Champion Ben Husthwaite looking resplendent in a pair of amazing pink jeans finished a huge 8 targets clear of nearest rivals and the days joint runners up Richard Bunning (Norfolk) and Simon Davis (Notts) who both ended up on 83 after holding the leaders berth from almost the first gun. Bens remarkable 91 left many shaking their heads, with many top shooters bemused by a sub 80 score, but however you did on the day you have to tip your hat to someone who tamed the beast of Normanton.

Ladies Champion - Rachel Willcock (Leicestershire)

Another one of Leicestershire’s finest Rachel Willcock dominated the Ladies title race to take her first Regional title. I caught up with Rachel towards the end of her round and she was in awesome form. Still smarting from a stand 9 reverse straight she sought vengeance on the overhead and Battue, just one lucky target escaping her gun, the rest dispatched to dust. Her title winning score of 70 was well in front of a former Champion and current Ladies FITASC Champion Becky Bream (Notts), who in turn just edged out Heather Pointer (Norfolk) for the second week running at the FITASC at High Lodge.

It was a similar story in juniors with Harry Seal (Cambs) showing his class, Harry’s score of 79 was well clear of Alex Morgan (Leics) silver medal, who in turn finished clear of Harry Dyson (Leics) who won his first ever regional medal.

Vets Champion Barry Simpson tackles a pair of nasty crossers over the lake.

In Vets Barry Simpson (Cambs) shot an impressive 81 to take the honours, narrowly edging out Fred Kidd (Beds) who in turn relegated the twice winner of this trophy Colin Saich (Suffolk) into third.

Finally many thanks to Mick, Dave, Sarah, Dan and the rest of the team at Normanton who gave us a very enjoyable yet testing day.


High Gun – Ben Husthwaite

AA – 1st – Graham Stirzaker

AA – 2nd – Richard Bunning, Arnie Palmer

A – 1st – Simon Davis

A – 2nd – Harry Seal

A – 3rd – Joe Demulder, D. Wright

B - 1st – Rachel Willcock

B – 2nd – J Fox, A. Tudor, Alex Morgan, S. Varney

C – 1st – R. Brugevist

C – 2nd – D. McVeigh

C – 3rd – R. Swain