East Midlands Website : News

May Newsletter

East Midlands CPSA Newsletter May 2012

Dear East Mids Shooter

First of all an apology to you all, the East Mids Pull Report somehow went missing in hyperspace, I pressed send and thought all was ok, sadly it never arrived at Pull Mag HQ, but not to worry as I have managed to catch up in the June issue that will be dropping on your mats later this month.

A big thank you to both our hosting grounds in April……………… Beverley held the Double Trap for us, and it was great to see Graham Carter rewarded for his long trip up from Cambridgeshire with the senior title, also many congratulations to the Lincolnshire trio of Alison Dupree, Brian Wilkinson and Jack Wilkinson who won the Ladies, Veterans and junior titles respectively.

Normanton hosted this year’s English Sporting event and had a great turnout of 167 shooters…..Ben Husthwaite won the overall title with a superb score of 91, Cambridgeshire shooters claimed the Vets title with Barry Simpson and the Juniors Harry Seal, and last but not least Rachel Willcock from Leicestershire took the ladies title.

Don’t forget we are running a Supreme Championship this year and you can keep an eye on the leader boards by going to the East Mids website here: /east-midlands  or direct to the leader boards here: /east-midlands/supreme-championship--leaderboard----rules

There are some superb prizes for this event kindly sponsored by Carl Smith from Nottingham & District……..and best of all it costs nothing to enter!

This month we have three events, sadly because of the fixture congestion caused by the Olympics and the World Championships two fall on the same day, but they are far enough apart in terms of miles and diversity to hopefully not disappoint too many people.

Sunday May 20th is the day in question, and we have the Olympic Skeet at Northampton and the All Round at Nottingham which is also Round 3 of the Supreme Championships.

Bookings are currently being taken for both events, but you can turn up on the day as well.

Northampton Shooting Ground – 01604-781741 (Thurs/Sat/Sun)


Nottingham & District GC – 01623-883798


The following week (May 27th) we are back again at Nottingham for the Single Barrel Championships, again bookings are currently being taken via the contact details above.

Well that’s about it for this month, I hope you are managing to get some shooting in during the drought conditions we are suffering !!!!!!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and on the Regional Website where there are regular updates of what is going on in the region.

Kind Regards & Break Some Clays
