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Intercounties All Round Championship


Round five out of six of the Intercounties shoots with the All Round title up for grabs. The event once again held at Northampton attracted 123 shooters but sadly the weather gods had a large hand in this for the second year running. It was an overcoat colder in the wind although not unpleasant, but the occasional gust of wind and a fairly stiff breeze made shooting difficult.

This event over the years has thrown up some superb scores of 95+, and some huge team scores have been needed to take the major honours, only a few years ago Northants and Suffolk both recording team scores in excess of 550 but It quickly became apparent that anything close to 90 was an impressive score, mid-eighties was very respectable, with a fair benchmark of ten points below a shooters average being just about the norm.

 Senior Team Champions - Norfolk

Bedfordshire, Leics and Northants were first out of the traps and only three out of the sixteen shooters broke 80, all of those Northants shooters, Les Sperling 86, Bob Franks 84 and Mick Russell doing enough to give Northants an early lead on 487.

The Lincs, Notts, and Cambs squads all completed the course and yet again 80+ scores were very hard to come by, with only a handful breaking the magic number. Just starting out was the dual force of Suffolk & Norfolk both former winners of this, but the Norfolk seniors this year have been on top form already winning top honours in the Skeet and the FITASC, and this year they have the added incentive of trying to snatch the Directors Trophy from arch rivals Suffolk.

The afternoon’s scores showed that Suffolk had just sneaked past Northants to guarantee them some glassware, Robbie Manning 85, Puff Baker 84 and Eric Chapman 83 being the leading lights and giving Suffolk a two point advantage with a team total of 489. Norfolk though already had their rivals firmly in their sights as they swept past Suffolk to land a team score of 507, Karl Hagan was the star of the show with the only 90 plus effort of the day, skipper Kyle Woodhall Cross did his bit with a superb 88, and Richard’s, Newstead 87 and Bunning 85 also doing the damage, Messer’s Herrieven, Wilson, Johnson and Freeman completed the winning line up.

Team Suffolk - Senior Team Runners Up & Ladies Champions

In Ladies it was once again the Suffolk duo of Pauline Chapman 78 and Pearl Butters 57 who just overcame the early leaders Northamptonshire, Ruth Markham to scoring for the home team on 70. This is the third team shoot the Suffolk girls have won this season to add to their many won over the last few years and they both must have a very impressive collection of wine glasses.

Josh Pearson (Cambridgeshire) - Junior High Gun

Cambridgeshire celebrated a double team victory by taking both Junior and Veterans honours, Josh Pearson 78 and Taylor Hedgecock 74 winning by a six point margin to nearest rivals Notts, Joe Booth top scoring on 77, Josh was also rewarded with the Junior High Gun glassware for his endeavours. The Veterans had a closer margin of victory by just out pointing Leics Vets by five targets, John Barnard 79 and Malcolm Collins 77 getting the crucial scores, Rod Gifford and Colin Fordham completed the victorious Camb’s quartet.

Many thanks to Martine and the team at Northampton for a well-run day and its now all down to the final shoot at Sporting Targets later this month to decide the destination of the Directors trophy. Check out the table by following the link below for the latest scores….it is very close and I’m sure that Notts, Suffolk and Norfolk will be doing all they can to field their strongest teams. Just a quick footnote, if Norfolk finish joint top they will be declared winners, as they have the most overall wins this year.