East Midlands Website : News



There is a possibility that you may have been sent an email purporting to be from myself (Colin Butler) or the East Midlands CPSA Yahoo account.

The email subject relates to me being in Cyprus and asking for monetary assistance, as I have had my cards and passport stolen.

Most people seem to realise that this email has come from third party sources and is an attempt to gain money by deception. I would also like to thank those that have contacted me already to point out the problem.

Please ignore this email; it has not come from me. I would email you all separately but Yahoo has suspended my contact account details, I would hope to be back up shortly.

Please rest assured this in no way puts your own computer security in risk and my account details have now been changed, and you should no longer receive emails of this nature.

I would though recommend that to be on the safe side to run a virus scan.

Please accept my apologies if you have been subjected to one of these rogue emails.