East Midlands Website : News

March Newsletter

Dear East Midlands Member
It’s hard to believe that it’s March already and we are already underway with our Regional Championships.
On Sunday we held the Regional Single Barrel Championship at Nottingham and what a nail biter it was. Four shooters finished all square on 97 and it took a 25 bird shoot off to decide the medal winners. Sadly one of the four, Andy Brown, had left the ground and it was down to John Winn, Curtis Woolley and Shane Smith to battle it out.
Shane shot a faultless shoot off round to take the title with Curtis runner up and John in third. Consolation for Curtis came in the shape of the Junior title; likewise John won the Veterans class.
The days other winner was Tracey Bridge who made the journey from Lincolnshire worthwhile by winning the Ladies title.
Looking at the rest of the month we have next weekend (9th-10th March) the Regional FITASC at Kegworth. John Wroughton and his team are fast getting a great reputation for FITASC events; in fact the last time we held this event at Kegworth we set a new attendance record; fingers crossed we will improve on that figure this year.
The shooting ground can be found on Long Lane, Kegworth, DE74 2GA, and start times for both Saturday and Sunday are 10:00am and 10:50am and have limited availability. To book on either call John on 07973111650, email at john@kegworth.co.uk or you can book online at www.kegworth.co.uk and there’s also the added attraction of a £200 High Gun.
On Sunday March 24th its back up to Nottingham & DGC for the ABT which also incorporates the first round of the Supreme Championship. There will be points up for grabs in all categories down to tenth place; you even get a point just for shooting. The remainder of the Supreme Championships are Skeet, DTL, All Round and Sporting. Full details can be found on the East Midlands website /east-midlands
Some quick news on the AGM held last week, and I’m pleased to say that all the main officers were returned unopposed, that’s Janet Stennett (Chair), Carl Smith (Deputy Chair), Colin Butler (General Secretary) and Paul Stennett (Treasurer),many thanks to all those that attended.
Finally my apologies if you received an email from me claiming to be stuck in Cyprus and needing money, thankfully most of you realised the East Mids account had been hacked. Our account was back up a few hours later and thankfully no damage was done.
Until Next Month, Enjoy Your Shooting.
Kind Regards