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Intercounties Skeet 2013


Paul Sharman, Aidee Phipps & Craig Owen - Northants Seniors

Outside the competition in hand, the weather was the main topic of conversation, and what a scorching hot day it was. The event brought forward by the Regional committee in search of some better weather reaped the rewards and we were treated to the hottest day of the year so far.

In fact at some parts of the day it was almost unbearably hot, squads ran late as competitors almost ground to a halt as concentration levels dropped and it was a real struggle not to let your mind wander as the sun beat down, and just to compound it layout 4 seemed to trap the heat and it felt several degrees warmer with not even a whisper of a breeze to give some sort of relief….right ok, I think you get the picture….IT WAS HOT!!.

History shows that the senior event is always a close run thing between the heavyweights of the regions Skeeters which by tradition is Suffolk, Norfolk and Northants. This year was to be no different, and the end result was in doubt to the very last squad when Northants last shooter Craig Owen, who has not been shooting long, came in with a 94 to snatch the team title from Norfolk’s slender grasp by a single target to finish on a team score of 577 ex 600.

Neil Faulkner had set the ball rolling for Northants on the days early squads with a solid 98, Matt Stockdale another relative novice to Intercounties shoots topped that around midday with a 99, and they were supported by Mick Russell and Aidee Phipps who both shot 96.Nick Faram 94, Paul Sharman 93, and Andrew Lea 92 completed the winning Northants line up.

Senior Team Runners Up - Norfolk

Runners up Norfolk had earlier snatched a 7 point lead over multiple winners of this event Suffolk, Robbie Manning and Darren Parsons top scoring for Suffolk on 99. John Hall and Peter Bowden top scored for Norfolk on 98, Season Ticket winner Kyle “The Cobra” Woodhall X backed them up with a solid 97 and Trevor Frammingham 96 and Steve Smith 95 secured the Runners Up glassware, Paul Freeman 91 and L Smith 92 completed the line-up.

Ladies Team Winners - Cambridgeshire

In Ladies it was once again the Cambridgeshire girls that triumphed, Lauren Hodson top scored for the fenland quartet on 94, next best was Michele Conway 92 and they were suitably backed up by Janet Maguire 89 and Jeannie Watson on 87 to give then the team victory on 186/200.

Next best were Lincolnshire where Tracey Bridge top scored on 95, who in turn was joint top ladies scorer with Jess Roe from Nottinghamshire.

Junior Team Winners - Cambridgeshire

In juniors David Ferriman from Bedfordshire gave his team a solid start scoring 96, Northants juniors raised the bar with top scoring Christian Bosworth on 94, but the stars of the day were the Cambs juniors recording an impressive 194/200. George McFarlane led the way on 99 to give him the award for Junior High Gun, he in turn was well supported by Josh Pearson on 95, Dan Mawby and Max Jenkins completed the winning quartet.

Nottinghamshire Team Captain - Ash Parfrement

Another close run thing was the Vets team title; Notts had earlier notched up a tidy score of 187/200, John Miller top scoring on 94 and Team Captain Ash Parfrement next best on 93, and then they had to sweat it out to see if Ben Muttock from Northants could add to the 91 from Martin Ferris shot earlier. Ben got within one target to force a shoot off scoring 95, to leave a relieved Notts team, John Townroe 90 and Barry Fox 88 completed the winning Notts Vets winning team.

Finally we must say a big thank you to all the refs on the day, plus of course Martine, Pete and Roy and all the staff at Northampton Shooting Ground.